Chapter Thirteen

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Author's Note: First of all... I WANT TO SAY I'M SO SORRY. :( I know I haven't updated in two or three weeks, and I apologize deeply. School has just started (Philippines), and I'm trying out for varsity, I'm a class officer, and I'm also trying my best since I'm already a senior. I know, excuses, excuses blah, blah, blah. So in exchange, I'll write two long chapters. :D Is that OK ? :)

[Cato's POV]

I lunged, slashed, rolled, hacked, and destroyed every single dummy in the room.

Seneca Crane watched me with curious eyes. All of the others did. Glimmer probably wowed them with utmost grace while dodging everything thrown at her. Marvel probably threw spears.

After cutting off the last dummy's head, I got four standing ovations. I give a bow, when Seneca Crane calls me. "We'll keep our eyes open, Obsidian. You remind me of Fausto,"

"Exactly." I reply with a grin, "I'm his brother,"

And I'm going to win like he did. "No wonder," Seneca drawled. "Okay, Obsidian. Dismissed,"

I give another bow and head out the door. I pass by Clove, who's going next. I still remember our talk a few days back. I'll protect her, no matter what. I won't let her die, even if she says I should.

"Take your time," I say.

She just nods and heads inside with her head held high. I can't help but admire her. She seems so small, so fragile. She doesn't deserve to be here.

I wait anxiously at our penthouse suite. Farrah and Freshnida are wearing green and pink neon dresses, and they're walking back and forth making me dizzy.

"Stop that!" I say irritably.

"Cato, calm down," Brutus says. "She's here,"

The moment Clove enters the room, Freshnida, Lyme and Enobaria give her hugs and ask her questions. Since she's smiling, I presume she did well. She always does.

"Hey," I nod. She smiles back and gestures at the the flat screen mounted on the wall.

"Bet I have a higher score than you have," she says jokingly.

"Bet I have the highest score of all," I say back, which makes her smile. Which makes everything worthwhile.

It starts, and they show the scores by random. The fox-girl only a got a 5, which seemed too obvious. Their district, or even their past tributes weren't amazing or anything. The big guy from District Eleven got a 9. No wonder there. He's got a big body. Both Glimmer and Marvel got 9 as well.. 

The coal boy from Twelve got 8. I actually burst out laughing. Everyone gave me looks, and I've finally managed to stop. 

"Sorry, sorry," I say. "Oh look, it's Clove,"

Everyone fixes their eyes on the screen. Even our Avoxes. She got a 10. The highest score so far.

"Clove, that is amazing!" Lyme claps her back, and so does Enobaria. Freshnida and Farrah both give her hugs, saying, "Oh darling that was fabulous!" 

Sharpee is actually crying, saying how she's so proud of her.

She's blushing, and smiling, and her eyes are sparkling. She's perfect.

"Well, let's give it up for our Cato now!" Brutus says with enthusiasm. I look on with eager eyes as everyone fixes their eyes back to the screen.

"A 10!" I shout as they flash the score. "Good enough, right?"

"Yes, of course!" Brutus grins at me. "Your own brother got a 10 himself!"

"We have the highest scores, Clove!" I smile at her and take her hands, so small, compared to mine. "We can do this,"

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