Chapter Nineteen

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[Cato's POV]

I look at my hands, willing my rage to go away. We have no more food, no more water, just because that idiotic boy from Three had no idea what "protect" means!

"Cato, Cato," Clove nudges me, and I look into her deep eyes, feeling some of my anger go away. "We have to go. They're here to pick up the body,"

I move, Clove guiding me. The chopper takes the boy's body away, and not a shred of pity lies inside of me. All I feel is anger.

"When I'm getting out of here," I say through gritted teeth, "And they parade me in District Three, I'll make sure they will never forget me,"

"When you get out of here, Cato," she said silently, "You,"

I blink. Did I say that I'll be the only one getting out? No, Clove has to go with me. "I meant us, Clove," I say, correcting myself. "It's just that... all this, and..."

"I know, it's all right," she tried to smile.

I felt horrible inside. I was starting to lose myself, wasn't I? But no, I can't afford that. I need to win with Clove by my side. But ever since Glimmer died, and Marvel was left without a partner, I realized that it'd be harder than I thought.

"Why don't we hunt for food?" she suggested, taking out one of her knives.

"Great, except... we don't know how to hunt," I reason out.

"Yes, we do," she laughed. "We were taught to hunt back in the academy,"

"Yes, but I never paid any attention," I suddenly remember Askew setting up traps for me, but I never listened. "Why don't you go? I'll help you out,"

 She laughs, and for a moment we were back in the forest at home. Back in District Two. "All right, but don't make any sudden sounds or movements,

I snort. "Since when have I been clumsy?" I ask, smiling.

"Well... a lot of times," she counts on her fingers, seeming to recall the number of times that I had not been the graceful killer the trainers raised me to be. I realized there were a lot. "So, anyways, let's just set up some traps here and - "

Suddenly, she freezes, her eyes wide with fear and her small frame shaking and trembling.

"Clove? Clove, what's wrong?" I grab her shoulders and gently stroked her hair. "Clove, tell me,"

"Marvel," she whispers his name.

I should have felt jealous. But I didn't. I knew something was up. I've seen how close the two have become, and I know how Marvel feels towards Clove. When I realized the boy from District One loved the girl I owned, I had mixed feelings.

I was jealous.

But I was also grateful. Someone else could also keep an eye out for my girl. Someone else could protect her when I wasn't around.

"What about Marvel?" I shook her slightly. "How could you know?"

"I suddenly saw him, he's... he saw Katniss and..." she fumbled for words as tears formed in her eyes. Suddenly, we heard the unmistakable boom of a cannon. "MARVEL!"

Clove suddenly left my arms and sprinted towards the direction of the sound. The same direction Marvel went to because I ordered him to. I ran after her, and it wasn't hard to catch up with her. My strides were longer, and even if she was lighter than me, I had been trained to run ever since the day I learned to walk.

"Clove!" I grabbed her arm, but she shrugged it off. Her eyes were wild and red, and I pressed her to my body instead. She struggled in my grasp, breathing hard.

"Cato, we have to go help him, Marvel's out there!" she screamed hysterically, tears streaming down her face. "Marvel is... is...." Another boom goes off.

"Marvel is dead, Clove," I hug her tightly. She sobbed into my chest, her hands clutching at my jacket tightly. We were in the middle of the forest, and her cries were loud, but I didn't care. If she wanted to cry, I'll let her. If anyone comes our way, I'll defend her.

She is worth it, and I hope she stops crying long enough for her to see that Marvel wasn't.


A day later, Clove has calmed down, and was huddled in my jacket. She wiped at her cheeks every now and then, as if there were still some invisible tears that wouldn't go away.

There were some food left in her pack, and little water. I decided to give more to her, and not even drinking the water. She seemed more in control of herself now, and her eyes had gone back to the serious ones she originally had.

"I can't believe I lost it just like that," Clove suddenly said, puffing her cheeks. She looked like a little child, and that made me smile. "I could've given us away, Cato!"

I took her hand in mine, and squeezed it gently. "No... it's all right. You are OK now, aren't you?"

"Yeah, thanks Cato," she smiled, reassuring me. Man, those dark eyes were so mesmerizing. I couldn't help but lean forward, getting closer and closer until....

"Tributes!" Claudius Templesmith's voice boomed throughout the arena. I wonder what this could be about. I realize that there have been no deaths since yesterday. I squeeze Clove's hand tighter. 

"There has been a change in rules! It is agreed that two victors may win if, and only if, they come from the same District,"

What? What did he say? Two victors? From the same District?

"If only you and your District partner are the only tributes left, then yes, both of you could go home,"

I look at Clove, my lips hanging open in a question. She looked back, just as mesmerized as I was. Was it real? Could the both of us really go home together?

"Cato," she finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "We could go home. We could go home,"

She hugged me, knocking the air out of me. She laughed, and as the message sank in, I hugged back harder, my lips buried in her hair. "Yes, we could Clove. Yes, we could,"

Then I realized that there were still Peeta and Katniss to take care of.

But no matter. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure Clove and I win.

Even if I have to become the devil myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2012 ⏰

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