Chapter Nine

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[Cato's POV]

"You're the most stupid person I have ever met," I glare down at her. "You didn't talk to me or notice me or pretty much looked at me the past year. And now you volunteered?"

The train drove past our forest as the last glimpse of District Two passed by. "Clove, answer me!" I grab her arm and her dark eyes meet mine.

"I figured I wanted to be in the Games," she said quietly.

It took all of my willpower not to strangle her. "You figured you wanted to be in the Games," I felt my voice getting higher, "Clove, you're just fifteen! If you want to be in the Games you had three more options!"

"Just lay off me, Cato!" she yanked her arm away, "This is my decision!"

"A very stupid one, actually," I hiss and sink myself to the nearest chair. Clove sits as far away as possible. Silence fills the room. Suddenly the door opens, and Enobaria comes inside.

"I see the two of you are acquainted," she says, and I couldn't help but look at her altered teeth.

"We go a long way, actually," Clove says to the floor.

"Good, then," Enobaria sits on the chair opposite me and studies me carefully. "You're quite the looker. And you too, Clove. We could gain more sponsors this way,"

 "Where's Brutus and Lyme?" I asked her. I knew both of them since they visit the training center from time to time. Enobaria hasn't.

"Talking with Sharpee," she says. "I believe the two of you are hungry? Come,"

Enobaria ushers us out into the dining room. The train whistled past mountains and rocky terrains, but the food and drinks stayed stable on the table. Now that I think about it, we aren't moving much either, and all I could feel are weak vibrations.

"Oh, Cato Obsidian!" Brutus stands up to greet me, "I trust you will bring honor to our District this year,"

"I will, Brutus," I smiled.

"Beat them up good, then," Brutus sat at the middle with Lyme and Enobaria sitting on either side. Lyme acknowledges me and smiles. Clove sits as the far end of the table.

"Clove, sit here," I motion for her but all she does is ignore me, "Oh, for the love of-"

I stand up and take her arm and try to force her to sit next to me so she wouldn't feel so alone. She tries to resist, and I couldn't help but smile. It's futile.

Suddenly, she kicked my legs, and it went dark. We passed through the tunnel. She kicked me some more, so I pinned her to the wall. Light streamed in as we finally arrived at the Capitol. Only now do I see that I had her pinned to the glass window.

"Seriously, Cato?" she growled. "Let go!"

I did. The screams from the citizens of Panem made me. I took one glance and I saw a riot of colors. Wigs, clothes, make-up, and even their skin.

"Wave and smile, attract the crowd," Lyme says from beside us. Clove was about to do that when Brutus says, "No, stand your guard. Look fierce. That isn't hard, is it?"

He's right. It's easier that way. I was trained with the Career mindset. Bloodthirsty and arrogant are two emotions I'd love to show.  Clove stares at me, a manic light in her eyes. 

I remember the times when the light I saw in her eyes were kindness, not hatred.

"Not hard, huh, Cato?" Clove says when the train stops. "Maybe my mom is right, maybe she-"

I slam her again into the window wall and look at her fiercely. This isn't acting. I hear Lyme's gasps and Brutus' chuckling. I hear the citizens of Panem screaming.

"You're such a hypocrite! You're a Career too! What makes me so different?!" I clutch her arm so hard, but she did a good job of hiding whatever pain she felt. 

"Clove, I-" my voice breaks, "What did I ever do to make you forget about me? About us? Clove, this isn't what I wanted!"

I let go of her and punch the window, which makes a slight crack.

"Cato, enough," Brutus takes me by the shoulder and leads me towards the exit. "It's time we meet your fans,"

I follow willingly. If I stayed any longer, I might break down. And that's something I never do. Not even when my brother Fausto got reaped. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Lyme and Enobaria take Clove.

"Cato!" she calls after me.

"What?" I ask angrily, "Are you going to be telling me off again for being such a monster?"

"No," she says quietly, "This isn't what I wanted too,"

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