Chapter Eight

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[Clove's POV]

I didn't know why I volunteered. I just stepped out of my line, calmly went up to the stage and said, "I volunteer,"

I remember talking to Mayor Prima about it. When he asked me why, I had no answer. But I guess that's a lie. The reason is Cato. It's always him. I've been avoiding him like my mother told to, ever since he saved from that mangy mutt. But I have always been dying to talk to him.

I just didn't know how.

"Are you sure about this, Clove?" Mayor Prima asked.

"Yes, I'm sure," I said with a staright face, but my heart was beating like crazy.

"You're aware that no help will come to you, because everything will be for Cato," he said, "You will merely be a stepping stone. He is the one destined to win this, not you,"

I take a deep breath. I'll die in the arena for sure, but I just want to see him live. My mom spread news around town, saying Cato wounded my leg and that he's a monster who isn't afraid to kill.

I don't want him to live life like that, and it's probably my fault.

"I accept, sir," I said, "I'll make sure Cato gets all the glory and bring back honor to District Two,"

"I'm Cato Obsidian, Career, I volunteer for District Two,"

His voice snaps me back to reality.

"Oh, good!" Sharpee ushers the two of us together and I force myself to look strong, "Two Careers from District Two. This is going to be fun!"

She makes Cato and I shake hands. I could feel his eyes on me, but I will myself not to look back. 

"Happy Hunger Games!" Sharpee grabs my left hand and Cato's right, "May the odds be ever in your favor!"

"Why did you do that?!" Mom screamed at me as tears streamed down her eyes. "Why do you do so much for that... that MONSTER!"

I wince at Mom's words as I hug Misa and Carrie. Both of them are crying, and my heart feels heavy with guilt. But I won't back out. I still can't even if I wanted to.

Mom suddenly yanked my arm. "Mom, no!" Misa cried.

"Why did you do that Clove?" I saw the anger in her eyes, "There was a chance that you wouldn't be picked for any Games!"

"Because I love him, Mom!" I scream at her. Before, I didn't know how I feel about Cato. Now I do. "If I die, at least I'll die protecting him!"

Silence, except for Misa's strangled cries and Carrie's heavy breathing.

"If by some crazy miracle you live," my mom said so quietly I had to strain my ears to hear her, "Forget you have a family here in District Two,"

On that happy note, she dragged Misa and Carrie with her. Their screams of "Clove!" pierced right through as I casually brush a tear away. The doors slam close, and I wait for a few seconds. I was about to stand when it opened again.


"You," I say.

"Hi," she sits on the chair opposite me, "I guess I should wish you luck, being one of your mentors and all,"

I look at her, and I'm reminded of the day I threw a knife at her twin sister Angel. I try to speak but the words get caught up in my throat.

"Aimee, I..." I force them out, "I'm so sorry,"

"For what?" Her crystal blue eyes regard me, and I remember her cries when Angel died.

"I... I injured Angel," I confess, "I threw a knife at her leg the day before the reaping day and I... she just hurt me and..."

Then she did something I never expected. She hugged me. In the training center, physical contact wasn't allowed unless you're training for hand-to-hand combat.

"I suspected. Only you could throw a knife that well," her soft voice washed over me, "It's all right. We can't turn back time anyways,"

"You... forgive me?" I felt a single tear brush down my cheek. "That easily?"

"I've forgiven you after two years, Clove," she brushed the tear away, "You remind me of my sister in a way, you know. She didn't live that long in the arena. I hope you do,"

She stood up, gives me one more kiss on the forehead and marches outside.

Aimee's so lucky. She's 18, but she wasn't chosen for any Games, nor was she reaped. She could finally live in peace knowing she'll never be harmed. Knowing that she's at peace with the one who took away her sister's last hope.

I brush away more tears as the Peacekeepers come in and whisk me away to my death.

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