"Michael, what the fuck?" I demanded once I found him. He was leaning against his car in the school parking lot, probably waiting for somebody.

"What?" He shot me a hard glare. Normally, I would have flinched and maybe back away at such a look. I probably would've forgotten why I was even angry, and not say anything at all. But this was different.

This time, he had hurt my very best friend in the whole world. He had said things to him that could never be taken back and never forgotten. The words had hurt him and would probably always hurt him. That was irreversible. And that wasn't okay. Michael had to know that it wasn't okay!

"Why'd you say those things to Calum? What the fuck!? Who do you think you are?" I hissed, attempting to push him off of his stupid car.

"You have no idea what happened, skirt boy! Your little buddy was being just as much of an asshole as I was. But you don't care. You just want something to bitch about. You're just like him." The sour glare returned to Michael's face.

"What happened, then? Because you really hurt his feelings. He's fucking crying over you!" I spat. Michael rolled his eyes and let out an amused chuckle. I wanted to slap him so hard.

"He's not crying. Why would he be?" Michael chuckled.

"Because he loves you, Michael! He's got feelings for you and you're fucking with him! You're screwing with his head and his heart!" I blurted. As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized what I did. I slapped my hand over my mouth, which was stupid; it was too late. My eyes widened to mirror the shocked expression on Michael's face, and I wished the words had never even left my mouth at all.

"What?" Michael asked. He seemed to be in disbelief.

"I- I- He-" I stumbled over my words. How was I going to explain that?

"What the fuck, Luke?" I heard Calum exclaim. Oh no.

I turned around to see Calum standing behind me, his arms crossed. His eyes were still red and puffy from crying.

"Calum, I didn't-"

"You told him! I can't believe that you would actually do something like that. So much for best friends. I'm done, Luke." He told me. His voice stayed calm, though it was shaky.

Calum turned around and started walking towards the school, ignoring both mine and Michael's pleas for him to come back.

It was quiet between Michael and I for a minute before he glared at me again.

"Well done, Luke. You've lost two of your best friends in one day! You even fucked up with Calum, your closest friend. Who's next? Ashton? Luna?" Michael said. I rolled my eyes.

"Just leave me alone." I growled.

"Gladly. Get away from me, weirdo. You've fucked up enough around here." Michael told me.

"You're the whole reason I came over here in the first place! Because you hurt my best friend!" I snapped.

"You're over here because you're a pathetic bitch who has nothing do with his lame life but make others miserable!" Michael exclaimed.

That's when I lost it. I lunged at him, my fists hitting his face and chest over and over. He hit me back a few times, but I was pulled off of him before there was any real damage done to either of us.

I smacked the arms that were wrapped around my waist. They were the only things stopping me from attacking Michael again.

"Let me go!" I demanded.

I was turned around, and Ashton placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Look at me, Luke." He said, his voice soft and calm.

I forced myself to make eye contact, my heart giving a slight flutter as soon as I did.

"He's not worth it, Luke. Seriously. He isn't worth the suspension and everything that'll happen to you. Let it go. Whatever it was, let it go. Please?" He reasoned. I thought about it for a moment before sighing.

"Fine. You're right, he's not worth it." I nodded. Ashton gave me a slight smile.

"Is everything okay?" He questioned.

We began walking towards the school. As we walked, I explained everything that happened with Calum and Michael. He informed me that he ended things with Luna.

"So, our group project for English is going to be fun." I stated, the sarcasm in my voice thick.

"Yeah. Maybe they'll all form their own little group and we could just be partners." Ashton suggested.

"That'd be nice." I smiled. He nodded in agreement.

I knew that, since everyone was mad at each other except for Ashton and me, that nobody was going to want to work together. That'd mean all of the work would be put onto the two of us.

I wondered about Calum and Michael, and what would happen if the two of them formed a group with Luna. Would they even agree to be in a group with each other? I doubted it.

What would Luna do? I wondered why Ashton even left her in the first place, since he didn't give me a lot of details when we were on the phone on Saturday.

"Why'd you break up with Luna?" I questioned. He chuckled before looking over at me.

"Because I lost feelings for her. I gained them for somebody else. Besides, she was just so needy and way too clingy. I usually don't mind clingy, but she took it way too far." He shrugged.

I nodded.

"Who'd you gain feelings for?" U wondered.

He sighed, a small smile appearing on his perfect lips.

"Don't worry about it. I don't have a chance, anyway. I'm pretty sure he likes Calum." Ashton replied. I frowned. Partially due to his unsatisfying answer, and partly because he had feelings for somebody else.

We walked to my locker and I put the combination in. I opened it, and a perfectly folded piece of paper fell out. It landed at Ashton's feet.

I picked it up and opened it, starting to read it as Ashton looked over my shoulder.


I hope you have a wonderful Monday. And a good week. We talked today. I love your voice, Luke. It's the greatest sound in the world, I swear. Well, the second greatest. The first is most definitely your laugh. I didn't hear that today, unfortunately. You should really laugh more. It suits you. Have an amazing day, gorgeous.

Bye x

"Hmm." Ashton hummed a moment after we read it. I folded it back and slipped it into my binder. There, it would wait to be added to the collection in my little box in my nightstand drawer with the rest.

"What?" I questioned.

"Seems like he- they really like you." He told me. I nodded, a light blush forming on my cheeks.

"I just wish I knew who was writing them. But, I'm leaving tomorrow morning to go to California for a week and a half. I'll be back next Friday." I shrugged.

He frowned.

"Is everything alright?" He worried. I shrugged.

I explained everything about my cousin, almost crying twice in the process.

"I'm sorry." He said. I shook my head.

"Our project is due two weeks from now. The same day I get my mechanical baby for Child Development. So, we'll probably have to text and stuff to get everything finished. We can do the PowerPoint the weekend I get back." I stated.

He nodded.

The bell rang and we began walking towards English. I most definitely was not looking forward to the day, and I knew that Ashton probably wasn't, either.

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