#4 Big robbery

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WARNING! Strong language and mature content
Beatrice's pov:

We go out to eat. Just me, Leo and Mike... I still feel my heard pounding from what happened earlier, but O have to move on. We went to this place which is not very fancy. They serve alot of yummy stuff tho, so we didn't care.
"What are you gonna order"
"I don't know maybe a pizza?"
"Cool, I'l take the same"- I agreed with Leonardo.
"I'll have a salad"- said Mike with a proud look on his face- "I'm on a diet"
"Suit yourself Mikey"-I said.
We eat. The food was pretty interesting. I've been here before, but every time I come, and order the same thing, it tastes differently... weird.

"Anyways, I had fun today. It's already 7. I should really get going and unpack gor my new apartment"
"Yea, I'll help you, Beatrice"
"No Mike, I want to be alone. Right now. Sorry.
"What ever girl. So who'se paying?"
"I got it- I say and open my bag to get my wallet"
"No, no Bee I'm paying, I got you, Bee- (I remember him saying that when we were little but, I still don't know what that means)- Leo whispers and opens his wallet with a shit ton of cash...
It's a little weird. He always talks how he struggles at work, but he has like 500$ in his wallet.
Mike finally sais something
"Brother.. are you crazy carying around that much money!!"
"Amm yea, I should really take care of that"-Leo sais with a little nervous laugh at the end.
Why was he so nervous, besides, it is his bussines.
"Ok, am.. I shouldg o now. Thanx for taking me out guys, I really needed that"
"It was your idea anyways" sais Mike.
"Ok, go now, Bee. See you later beautiful"- Leo stands up from his chair, and takes out a cigarette from his pocket, light it up, and leaves.
OH SHIT. He is incredible.

I get back home and turn on my TV. Make some avocado and toast. It's my favourite, everyone knows it.
I randomly was scrolling throuth the channels just to find myself watching the news...
"Same old shit everyday... someone dies, or a bank gets robbed.
"Yesterday morning the biggest "Minister bank" in LA got robbed. 10 people killed and 5 people got injured or shot. There's footage of a group/gang comming in the bank. There were 10 of them. But thats all they shot all the security cameras, stole a 1000000 dollars and left.
"What the actual fuck... people are absoulutely sick these days. Disgousting. Thats horrible...-I thought to myself

... But little did Bee know...

End of episode #4
Hope you liked it! More characters and drama comming soon...💘


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