Chapter 4; "Do we need to have the sex talk?"

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Please play song with the chapter!! BTS- Serendipity
     As soon as I heard his voice my eyes were unable to leave him.

     At first it was because he had the audacity to come into my gym and act all high and mighty, but then I realized he was just trying to help me. To be honest, this was a really compromising position to see someone in if you don't know what's going on.

     Not only that, but he was a beautiful human being. A sharp cut jaw line, high cheek bones and a strong nose. Confidence and power radiated off of his chiseled body, and his long dirty blonde hair kept my attention.

      His act was chivalrous, and now provided me the perfect time to treat my own wounds. I mean the attention was on him at th-

     "Jess sit still so we can fix your fucking ribs it's going to hurt him." Shit.

      "Oh fuck off ass, I've been through worse."

      I almost wanted to laugh at the stranger who looked at me like I was speaking some indecipherable language. This appeared to piss Adam off altogether.

      "Jess we are just trying to help. If you had asked for help earlier we wouldn't be having this problem so SIT STILL." He snapped towards me.

      This annoyed me, but at the same time hurt. It's not like I asked my dad to beat the shit out of me.

      "Go suck a dick Adam!"

      In my anger and hurt I slapped everyone's hands off of me and got up quickly.

      "Later asshole." I stormed my way out of the room as fast as I could keeping my head down to hide my face from them.

      "Jess wai-" I cut him off as I slammed the door shut.

      I can't believe him. Did he not understand that I couldn't ask for help? That I was a prisoner in my own home? I know he doesn't know my personality at home, but god how is it my fault?

      Doubts started to file into my mind as I walked towards the punching bags. I wrapped my hands and began to punch the air.

      Was it my fault? Is it my fault my dad hates me? My punches got faster as My mind began to race with self-hate. I don't look at my surrounding even though I can barely register that someone was yelling.

      I don't even know if that guys was still here yet. I didn't care. I stopped warming up, lined up with one of the bags and quickly began my assault. What did I do? Why does dad hate me? I could feel my punches become,sharper, more precise. It's not my fault mom died right? Why can't he love me? As I that disgusting? I have perfect grades, why isn't he proud?

      I could feel my punches beginning to sink into the bag at the weight of my hits. They grew harder and harder as I thought.

      I don't register the people standing near me through my process. Not even if they're speaking to me. I don't care. Sweat is poring down my face as I go at the bag and again I go harder.

      Why can't he be my dad. Why? What did I do to deserve this? I want my dad back. It's not my fault he changed right? It's not. My punches grew even faster.

      It's not my fault he's like that. It's not my fault.

       Yes it is.

       No! It's the drugs fault! It's not mine.

       Yes it is you little wench. Why do you think he needs the drugs.


       You're disgusting, you worthless bitch. He didn't want you he never did, it just made your mom happy.

      No he loved me he did I know!

      Oh give up. You killed his wife he never loved you!

      No I didn't kill her it wasn't my fault!

       You killed her!



      "ITS NOT MY FAULT!" I yelled out as my hand was suddenly unable to move.

      My head snapped up and looked at the punching bag, to see I was almost elbow deep into the bag. Looking at the my left hand, I saw my hands were bloodier than they originally were. My knuckles were bleeding through the wraps, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were bruised.

      A gentle hand rested on my shoulder and stopped my movement.

      "Where did you learn how to fight like that?"

      I turned my head to look at the person speaking, only to find the stranger from before, looking at me with excitement alight in his eyes. And for some reason I felt at peace. Looking at his small smile,calmed me down and cleared out all of my doubts.

      I still hadn't moved my body, and the two of us stood in a tense silence. No one spoke, almost if they were afraid of my reaction. This also cause me and Mr. Stranger to stare at one another for a long period of time.

      Until Carter decided to open his fucking mouth.

      "Hold on a minute there, back up buddy stay ten inches apart no touchy touchy," he started of ridiculously, "do we need to have the sex talk?"

      Carter  looked at me and wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, and I could feel my eye twitch as my face heated up.


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