Chapter 8; "A Doctor for the Mind and Soul"

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Gotta love this song bro take a listen!!

Jason's P.o.V
I am highly concerned for this mans mental condition.

As I sat watching the rest of the men in the hospital room I was observing the actions of the doctor with curly blond hair and wild green eyes that sparkled with an almost psychotic type of mischief.

Especially since he basically, to what I assume from the wording, offered to murder her father. Like don't doctors have to swear an oath of no harm or something?

What have I just gotten my self into?

"So from what I can see boys your sister is pretty roughed up, but she'll live," The doctor began.

"Honestly she's going to need strict bed rest if she wants to be released tomorrow but we do need to keep her overnight for observation to ensure no other areas have begun to bleed."

I sat towards the back of the room as the doctor continued to talk about the care routines she would need and possible physical therapy she can receive if she doesn't want to do the regimented herself.

Soon enough he stood up, the others following his lead, and they all shook hands.

"Well I believe I should head out and check in my other patients. If she wakes; press the service button next to her bed and I will be back as soon as I can. My boys and I will handle her abuser."

Logan replies, with a little too much enthusiasm in my opinion, "Thanks Sean. Do let us know if you ever want another session you guys will get a discount."

Session? What session? What's even going on?

Without further ado, the man I've come to know as Sean exits the room and the guys, still completely ignoring my existence, begin to hash out her future living situation.

And in return, I sit there in silence, and tune out the conversation. It wasn't my place to listen. Hell I just met these people and now I'm sitting with them in a hospital room with there unconscious friend and my (hopefully) future trainer.

Now I'm just wonder wether or not I should stay and wait for one of them to speak with me or if I should jump in and tell them I'll come back some other time. You know when she's not hospitalized.

I slip my phone out of my pocket to check the time and see missed calls from my mom and a few from my friends.

But I'm more focused on the ones from my mom. And immediately I call her back.

"Jason? Jason honey where are you?Are you okay? Do I need to come and get you? What's-" and I cut her off.

"Hey no mom I'm alright, just one of the people at the gym I went to got hurt and I'm here at the hospital with them to make sure there okay." I quickly reassure her, while ignoring the looks from some of the guys in the room.

One makes eye contact and raises his eyebrow at me, I think his name was Logan? Or Justin? Dammit why are there so many.

"Honey which hospital are you at I'll meet you-"

"No mama it's okay just head to bed and I'll text you when I'm on my way home it's almost midnight and I know you have work in the morning." I assure her, and I hear her sigh in the other side of the phone. "Alright baby just please let me know is something else happens okay? I love you."

I smile down the phone and speak not even slightly embarrassed, " I love you too mom get some sleep." And I hung up the phone.

I look up and some of the guys are still chatting quietly with each other, and others either sleeping or staring at me.

Wait staring at me.

"He man how are you doing?" The man I think is Logan asked me.

"I'm fine just worried for your friend and a bit tired. You?"

He scowled at the ground and shrugged, " I'd be better if she wasn't hurt. But she's too stubborn to ask for help. So I'm okay since we get to force her to let us help."

I nodded in understanding. I understood the difficulty of getting someone who is being mistreated to accept help. My mother also refused help, and didn't receive any until i was able to compile the evidence of my fathers wrong doings and delivered them to the police.

The main issue was getting the person to believe that they deserved the help.

God did I hate abusers.

Suddenly, an enraged voice rose across the room.

"We can't let her stay there anymore he put her in the fucking hospital and we all have more than enough money to take her in-" the bulky blonde was interrupted by Logans softer voice.

"I understand that Carter, but this isn't about what you want or need the decision is ultimately up to Jess no matter how much you hate it. You and I both know that even if we just took her she'd find some way to just go back to that shitty house."

The room became solemn at his words and none of the others in the room argued against him.

It might not be my place but I wanted to suggest getting her help from a professional. From my own experience with my mom, it took years upon years of therapy for her to accept that her being helped was okay. That she didn't deserve what my dad did to her. And even then she's still not completely healed. There have been times where my mother flinched back from me free I ran to hug her too quickly, or moved towards her to fast.

Even if it wasn't my place I still wanted to know that I at least made some suggestion to helping the girl get better.

"I know it isn't really my place to say anything," I murmured towards the silent group.

"But my mom was abused by my dad for a very long time and because of the psychological damage done after so many years she honestly believe she didn't deserve help. After my dad was out of our lives, she was required to see a therapist almost daily to go over the trauma and help her get better and honestly it helped her a lot in the long run." I explained to them.

"And most people don't take well being asked to go to therapy as then its taken as they feel like others are saying that there's something wrong with you when in all reality a therapist is like a doctor for the mind and soul. I'm not saying you have to, and again like you said Logan," i paused and made eye contact with him, "it's her decision. I'm just suggesting something that worked for me and my family."

Th enjoys looked at me silently for a moment before they turned towards each other and started discussing the probability of Jess actually agreeing to accept help.

I'm glad they didn't just blow me off. And I hope Jess gets the help she needs, because she deserves it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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