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You're the way I drink my tea
Not quite hot enough to burn me,
But hot enough that you might.
It's always a question of whether you'll burn yourself
Or it'll be at the perfect temperature.
You're a risk.
I risk burning myself every time I'm with you
Hoping that you'll be the right temperature.
I found that you were hot at first
Too much to handle,
My insides were warm and I think I felt something but then just like my tea you went cold.
The warmth faded from me as I realised that you aren't mine,
No, you belonged to someone else and I had wronged myself so deeply with the feelings that developed.
You're not meant for me and I not for you.
We are meant to be as we are and nothing more because that would be unexplainable.

You would burn me up like my tea and I'd still hope that maybe you'll turn out to be that perfect temperature that I love to drink it at.
The truth is you're simply too much for me to handle.
Too much all at once.
Just like the fire I burn my cigarettes with we too will fade out quickly.

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