chapter 9

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Before anyone knew it, Christmas Eve had arrived. The Lee residency had many delicous smells looming around the house.

Johnny rolled over on Taeyong's futon. He basically spent most of his time at Taeyong's house. The family of course didn't mind. He was basically their second son.

"Boys! Get down here before the girls come." Taeyong's dad called from below. Taeyong scooted out of his computer chair as Johnny sat up. As the door opened, their smell senses heightened when the already strong smells of the food became stronger.

They were downstairs in time as the doorbell rang. The flush of the brisk air flew in as Mrs. Lee opened the door.

"Dinner will be done soon!" Mr. Lee called out from the kitchen.

Everybody exchanged greetings.

"I need someone to set the table up," Mrs. Lee said.

"I'll do it," Jennie offered, raising her hand. She walked towards the dining room, ready to set the table.

"Taeyong, go help her," his mother ordered, slightly pushing him. He obeyed, though he was going to help her anyways.

Jennie was already placing the plate mats out around the table. She looked up at his sudden appearance and smiled smally. "Happy Christmas Eve."

"Happy Christmas Eve," he warmly responded, going towards the cabinet in which held their dining belongings.
He took out the finer, and more expensive china for tonight's dinner, and began placing them on the table.

Suddenly, he remembered his first time meeting Jennie, and how much she didn't want to keep studying past winter break. Now winter break was nearly over.

"Hey, Jennie?"

The sudden break of silence caught her off guard. "Yes?"

"Remember when you told me you wanted to stop with the tutoring sessions before winter break?"

Jennie waited for him to continue.

"What happened to that?"

"I forgot all about that... but to me it isn't all that bad. I guess I changed my mind." She shrugged. She began placing the utensils on the table.

"Jennie, when you're done with that, will you please help me make this dessert? I don't know much on how to make it." Mrs. Lee called from the kitchen.

"Of course! I'll be there in a minute." She answered back. Taeyong took the napkins from her hand.

"I got it," he offered. She smiled in thanks, and went into the noisy kitchen.

Taeyong quickly finished setting up the table and sauntered back into the living room, where Nayeon and Johnny were chatting with the television on.

"What are you guys not watching?" He asked himself, shaking his head. He plopped onto the spot next to Johnny.

"You didn't see her, but she was in the place where I bought my new watch," Johnny held up his wrist, flashing his newly acquired accesory.

Nayeon shook her head in disbelief. "You didn't even talk to her?"

Johnny shook head. Nayeon flicked him on his forehead. "Are you kidding me? You see a girl you like and talk to her. Now you'll never see her again."

Johnny sighed sadly, agreeing with her completely. Nayeon saw this and didn't know how to say she was slightly kidding.

"You know, you might find her on SNS. It is the age of technology." Taeyong reassured him.

"Yeah, I'm going to search 'pretty girl who was at the watch shop,' and find her that way, Tae." Johnny remarked sarcastically. He rubbed his face and sighed. "I'm sorry." Johnny apologized. Taeyong pat his back.

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