Chapter 1 (the land)

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The sky was light green with a hint of blue, the water was still and clean, the grass light blue, waving in the breeze, the trees leafs have never been more purple, the clouds where a pink in color as the sun was rising.

Everything was fine.

I stand beside my horse, Rose as Her hair was waving with the grass and leafs from a wind blow. I look at the clouds to see if there was any shapes I could find, I saw a Dove, Hart, Cat, and Horse. After awhile Rose lightly taped me with her nose, that's when I knew she wanted to go some place else. I mounted Rose and we headed to a water fall, as we passed the trees I looked around to make shore no one was there with us, last time I didn't check there was Hunters and I had to go back home so I didn't risk Rose's life. When we got there I got off of Rose and laded down near a pack of flowers, I closed my eyes for a minute a removed all thoughts, I got up into siting formation an looked at the pack of flowers. After scanning all the flowers I found what looked like a rose but without thorns, I quickly pick the flower and place it in Rose's hair as she drunk some water from the water fall. I started to look around when I noticed there was a shin of light coming from the water.

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