Chapter 6 (Demon)

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It was time to go so I grabbed my bag and headed off. Once I got to the Black Smith I noticed a note on the front door "Im sick and will not be in until 2:00pm tomorrow I decided to open shop sooner because of this Thanks SEE YOU TOMORROW!!"
°Sigh, I started back home when I noticed that Jason, an easy angered kid, he was my old crush will more like my old stalker or creeper will there's many words to describe hem, anyway he was sitting on a rock near the bay looking at a girl. As I walk closer I noticed this girl was a demon shape​ shifter that only the rarest can spot, I jump down to the demon and once I got 5 inches away it terned and it's eyes terned red and it's skin terned black Jason was gone in a second. I got my sord and was about to strike but the demon hit me to the ground saying...


Which is in tung "FACE MY RATH AND DIE!!!" I reached in my bag and the first thing I pulled out was the crystal as I held it to the demon the crystal some how locked the demon in the over world beyond the crystal. "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!?!?"

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