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The moment you've all been waiting for

Why I don't ship Treddy

1• Just cuz Tomika and Freddy have a lot in common doesn't mean Zack and Summer do too.

2• Opposites attract. Fremmer is endgame.

3• If Jicardo doesn't happen soon then Fremmer has to.

4• Freddy is more like Tomikas brother than Girlfriend.

5• Freddy clearly likes Summer and Summer likes him too even though she's oblivious right now.

6• Their story is like no other.

7• I honestly just ship Zamika.

8• Freddy couldn't handle Tomika.


10• The lead singer and the drummer? Too cliché.

Why I don't ship Zummer

1• They are wayyyyyyyyy to similar when you think about it.

2• Summer likes Freddy so being in a relationship with Zack would be one sided.

3• They fake dated once and that turned out bad. Imagine if they really dated.

4• You can't go out with the guy your best friend likes so no no no!

5• Zack and Summer also have that brotherly vibe.

6• Fremmer is endgame.

7• Zamika is endgame

8.9.10• Nothing more to say! I just ship Fremmer and Zamika.

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