This is so funny

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It's funny how people ship me with Ricardo because we're always hanging out together but you guys have to remember that I'm more of a tomboy and that I have more guy friends the girl friends!

Like didn't you see Rico's vlog? We literally do so much together!

So if you ship me with Ricardo, I don't mind because if I wasn't myself I would probably ship us too.

And if you ship me with Lance I don't mind because Lance, Rico and I always hang out. Yes I've been reading some Breance stories. But junky because every Jicardo story has Breance in it smh 🙄

Anywhoooo, I beat Lance in foosball but Ricardo beat me! But who cares! That happened a while ago.

I'm honestly having so much fun with everyone! I don't give a shit about Jacob!

And can I just point out that JoJo Siwa is probably the sweetest human being ever!

Like this is how our convo went :

JoJo : How are you
Me : Okay
JoJo : Ok what's wrong?
Me : Nothing I'm okay
JoJo : You're not the real Breanna
Me : Of course I am
JoJo : No the real Breanna is a hyperactive goofball who never replies without an emoji or exclamation points
Me : It's Jacob
JoJo : what happened?
Me : He likes Jenna and we broke up
JoJo : Well he doesn't deserve someone as amazing as you Breanna! You are extremely talented and beautiful and smart and any boy would be lucky to have you! He might not know it yet, but he just gave up the most amazing girl in the world

And then I was crying and we started video chatting and she was being so sweet! She is such an inspirational person and she's always so positive.

Then Jade was literally like

" You see why I don't wanna go out with Rico? Boys with good hair are never good in relationships "

And I was about to die laughing.

After talking with Cree, Lizzy, Maddie, Rico, Lance, Benjamin, Thomas, Addison, Ella, Skai and Casey, I feel so much better!

They're all so funny and positive and I couldn't ask for a better fam.

And btw, just cuz Skai is on Disney and we're in Nick doesn't change anything.

She's so sassy man! She was roasting Jacob the whole time and I was about to die laughing.

But I didn't tell anyone that I was mad at Jenna because I don't want anyone to fight becuz of me!

Anyways I went on the 19under19 thing and voted for Shawn and Sabrina 20 more times! Mwahahaha

I love this fandom so much! This family, group of friends! I'll never forget you guys!

Honestly Thomas' reaction was the funniest one

Me : I'm sad
Thomas : Why?
Me : Jacob and I broke up
Thomas : you were dating Jacob?! Which Jacob first?
Me : Who do you think 🙄
Thomas : Sweatshirt?
Me : 😂 Yeah
Thomas : well if he was dumb enough to let you go then he's not worth it
Me : Did you read that quote off the internet?
Thomas : Nope! I'm just naturally wise!
Me : Yeah whatever helps you sleep at night.
Thomas : So you think I'm dumb?
Me : If I said that, people would think I was insulting blondes and I love blondes. Even though you're a fake blonde.
Thomas : I'm the realist blonde there is 😂 and you just said you love blondes so you admitted that you loved me!
Me : Jade! I love Jade! She's a blonde 😝
Thomas : You're living in denial
Me : Shut up! I would say it in all the languages you speak but I don't speak Polish, nor canadien
Thomas : wht? Canadian isn't even a language!
Me : I was just trying to get a reaction out of you 😂
Thomas : We should make a website called Thomas and Breana's random website
Me : How creative
Thomas : give it time 😂
Me : what would the website be about?
Thomas : Idk
Me : 🤦‍♂️ 😂

Thomas is actually so funny! Like man I should start hanging out with him more often!

And by the way can I just point out that Cree is a goddess and that she's to nice to be in this world and that Maddie isn't as innocent as we all think and that she actually curses... but I love her cuz she cursed Jacob out for hurting me 😂

But please don't hate on Jacob like I did because it's not his fault if he doesn't like em! We broke up so he's free to do whatever he wants and I don't want him to lose fans because of me! I'm still a fan of him and he has really good lyrics so please don't hate Jacob!

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