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"That doesn't look good, it looks like something ripped off from a garbage bin" I remarked as Dee looked at herself in the mirror, pulling a sad face after hearing my comment to her wedding gown.

She twister her body as she ran her hands to the corset that becomes the top of her gown "You're overreacting" she said with a groan, instructing her bridesmaid to remove the straps of the corset from the back.

I sat down on the couch in front of her as I lean back, sipping from my Iced Coffee that's on my hand "No I'm not, I'm an interior designer who knows what's recyclable and what's trash- that's a toxic waste" I answered with a monotone voice.

She groans as she got out the heavily beaded and heavy in general gown. The bridesmaid handing it over to the shop assistant as Dee sat down, the assistant went out our area to grab the other piece of gown.

"I'm tired" Dee said, sitting down on the chair in front of me then took a sip of her wine. 

"Oh don't be, we still have 6 gowns to see" I said with a smirk while crossing my legs.

Dee put her glass down when the other gown came, this time I quite like it.

She stood up from her seat as her bridesmaid helped her in it. And after 8 minutes, she was in the gown and again, the bridesmaid gushed over her.

Now, I gushed over with them. Not entirely like a fangirl type, but it did put a wide smile on my face.

Finally, the dream wedding Dee planned ever since she had her first boyfriend would come true in a beautiful church at Ireland, with a dashing man and a gown that could be the gown of the centuries. Exaggerating? Probably.

Dee and I are close, so close that our life really depended on one another. Dee won't take a specific job if I won't be there, I would do the same. 

It's basically like this: Wanting One won't do, you'll get the Two. It's a package deal.

That's why when Conor started to court Dee, he had to consult me first. What Dee likes, hobbies and of course, if I won't kill him. I didn't and allowed Conor to take his shot on my sister.

And after a few months, their romance bloomed. Which means Dee and I learned to be independent- but would call one another just to watch on Friday with movies we like with an ice cream of our choice.

And when Dee and Conor flied out from Ireland, you could say it was a day of heartache for Dee and I. But eventually, they had to leave their life. And when I keep on hearing the name of Conor in the entire Ireland, I knew I didn't went wrong of letting him take my sister.

And here we are, years later. My sister standing in front of me with a wedding gown that would put the royalties in shame.

I approached her and gave her a hug, Dee staring at me after pulling back as I look back to her bridesmaid "As the maid of honor, I order you guys to take this gown off, purchase it so I can take my sister out for a date" 


I greeted Conor by kissing his cheek as he then kissed Dee fully on the lips.

I sat down on the chair as they followed, Conor being the one in between me and Dee.

"So, how's training?" Dee asked, starting a conversation as the waiter then placed the food in front of us.

Conor and Dee had been together when Conor wasn't known in Ireland. And because of that, he knows me as much as he knows Dee because like I said earlier, you can't just take one.

I let Conor and Dee talk and would just chime in time to time, laughing at a few times but majority of it, I gave them privacy and was just on my phone.

After lunch, the Three of us decided to walk around the Vegas strip.

"Hey Dan, I know someone you could hit up-"

"Conor for the last time, I'm not going out with Artem" I said, my voice with a mixture of groan as Dee concealed a laugh.

"Come on, why not?" Conor asked as we continue walking straight ahead, looking around to see if there's a shop we would like.

"Okay, why then?" I asked, looking at him, challenging him.

Conor was on the middle, Dee was on the left with her arms hooked and I maintained my distance, but pretty close.

"He's Irish...." I waited for other things to be blurted out, but when nothing followed up, I look at Conor.

"That's everything you want to offer to the sister of your future wife? An Irishman? That's it"

"He likes you" He said with a shrug.

It's true though, Artem would always show off when I'm around. Like last time when him and Conor was training outside the mansion, he sprained his ankle when he kicked the tree as soon as I walk out to join Dee.

The thing is, I know my worth and I don't want to degrade myself.

"Let's make a deal, if I buy you anything at this moment, would you go oit with him?" Conor asked, the Three of us stopping at our tracks and Dee looking amused.

"That's easy for you to say AND do" I answered.

"I take that as a no" he, along with Dee, started walking but I stopped them.

"Fine, I just saw a Gucci store nearby"


Hey guys, sorry it took a while for me to update! I was just really busy and here it is now, finallyyyyyy.

Hope you guys enjoy👌🤷 ~R

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