
978 19 9

//January 06, 2018//

It has been Two days since I moved in with Dom and I couldn't get any better. That until I remembered that he would be leaving for Thailand this afternoon.

It's ironic how I was unpacking Two days ago and now, Dom was packing up the day after. His departure is also a reason why I agreed to move in with him in the first place, I know that us being separated is going to be time consuming. 

This would be the first time we would really be in a country far distance from each other. I would usually stay back when he is in a fight since my job was busy and won't let their grasp off me break. But still, I would try my best to support him.

"A week is too long" I blurted out as I went inside our bedroom all of a sudden. I hug Dom from behind as I said it, Dom facing the mirror catching him in shock.

He chuckled then lean his head back to mine. We stayed like that for a minute before he started playing with my fingers that rested on his stomach "A week isn't that bad"

I breathed a sigh as Dom turn around, wearing Black pants and a plain, Black button up shirt that complimented his built. All by yours truly. 

Getting him to wear this outfit was a handful, Dom thinks his outfit was too formal for an airport drop off. I think otherwise. 

And now I'm regretting everything because as soon as Dom walked out the bathroom, I know that I would have to compete not just with millions of girls, but even boys of all ages. Dom is looking to fine to be dressed like that.

"Do I have something on my face?" He looked over his shoulder to look at himself, our bodies still entangled with a hug "I don't see anything?"

"Yeah you have something on your face" he turn to look at me, bending his head down then went to my tiptoes to give him a kiss on the lips "You have too much charm" I answered after pulling back from the kiss.

He laughed at my remarks and gave me a kiss on the forehead "I could stay here or take you with me-"

"You can't stay here because I know how you and your team want this trip for so long. And I can't leave with you because I have a job interview" 

"You really don't have to work, you know that right?" He said, looking down at me as I look back up. 

I nodded for an answer "But I'll just be alone here while you're training. I need a breather as well, right?"

"You're going to be with Dojo" he reasoned out.

I shook my head with a smile while chuckling "Don't use Dojo against me Dom" 

He pulled me back in to his hug, placing his head on top of mine and feeling his nod against it "At least I know it works"


After Dom left, I decided to take a jog and take Dojo with me so that he and I could get a little bonding moment.

We took stopped at the park as I let him run around, knowing he won't run away. 

Checking the time on my phone, I saw Dom just sent me a text

Checking the time on my phone, I saw Dom just sent me a text

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With a smile, I replied and hit send.

I then went to my instagram and decided to record Dojo who was playing with the leaves

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I then went to my instagram and decided to record Dojo who was playing with the leaves. After recording it, I uploaded it on instagram with the caption just being the time.

As I stood up and about to retrieve Dojo, I noticed that I have a new message from instagram. 

With second thoughts, I opened it and saw again, Conor. 


I just want to take this time and promote my new story "Wings and Scythe" which will be out in 4 hours PST! 

I never announced this anywhere besides of a few sneak peeks on twitter but I'm going to reveal the cover and the summary of this story exclusively to you guys :)

Unlike the summary of my other books, this story only has one bit, maybe even very tiny information to keep the mystery up. But honestly, the summary of this story is enough to explain the entirety of the plot.

 But honestly, the summary of this story is enough to explain the entirety of the plot

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He was a boy, she was an angel. Well, she wasn't always an angel. When he killed her, that's when she became one, an angel and to be more specific, his guardian angel.

Genre: Teen Fiction

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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