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"You do look nice" I glance up to my right and saw Conor by the reflection of the mirror, wearing his Gucci robe with a mug on his hand.

I smiled at him mockingly and put on my earrings, eyes travelling back to the mirror "Thanks Kong" I answered, not looking at him as I straightened up and flatten my dress. 

I puckered my lips and remove the smudges of the lipstick. Putting the final touches for the look by fluffing my hair.

I grab my sling bag on the cabinet and turned the lights off my room, seeing that Conor was still outside and leaning on the barricade of the stairs. Raising his mug to his lips as I closed the door to my room behind me.

 Raising his mug to his lips as I closed the door to my room behind me

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"He's outside" 

"Damn it. The Gucci was worth it though" I answered, not looking at him as I put my phone inside my bag.

Conor responded with a chuckle and I crossed my arms in front of him "Tell Dee I left"

"Alright, tell Artem I said congrats" I rolled my arms and hug him. Letting go in seconds as I proceed to walk down the flight of stairs "You guys have fun" Conor yelled as I exited the door. 

I walk out and saw that Artem was parked directly in front of the door. Leaning on his car as if he's proud and flexing on it. I'm not impressed.

"Hey, you look great"

"I know I do" I said, smiling back at him. The smile was not intended to be sarcastic, but I think it came off that way.

I got inside his car and waited for Artem. And as he got inside the car, I was already putting on my seatbelt and he was starting the engine.

I lean back to the car as I stare outside the car, seeing the beautiful part scenery of Vegas at night. At the same time, answering Artem's question limited. I do felt quite bad when he just stopped striking a conversation.

I then decided to acknowledge him better, turning my head from the Vegas scenery to him "I'm sorry, I was just really in depth with my thoughts. Where we heading?" I asked, raising my voice cheerfully.

I saw him smile a bit, but he kept his eyes locked on the road "Just a newly opened restaurant down the strip. You might like it there" 

I nodded at his response "Any fights coming up?"

"No, not yet." He answered immediately, stealing a glance at my way then quickly removing his eyes from me when he saw me still looking at him "I just want to say that you coming out with me really means a lot to me." 

"I kno-" I stopped myself and instead, looked at him and smiled "I'm glad to here that, I'm sure this night would be interesting" 

We stopped talking and unlike earlier, it wasn't an awkward silence but just silence of enjoying each other's company. Well, maybe Artem enjoying my company but I just really want to lay in bed right now, maybe even a book in hand.

He pulled over to the restaurant parking lot and got out the car after unbuckling his seat belt and taking the keys off the ignition. He ran immediately to my side but by the time he got there, I was already on my feet. 

You have to be faster than that buddy.

I pulled the coat closer to me as Artem closed the door for me instead, locking the car and then we start to walk inside the restaurant.  I tried tailing behind him but Artem slowed his pace so now, we were walking side by side.

"Good evening, was there a reservation made?" the waitress greeted as soon as we entered the place.

"No, is there any available seats though?" He didn't make any reservations? This is a newly opened restaurant in Vegas strip, of course it would be packed up. Are you kidding me right now?

"At the moment, we don't have any available seats. If you're willing to wait, you guys should take a seat as we wait." The waitress beam us a smile then motion for the bench behind her, nobody was on the waiting chair.

Artem turned to me "Let's wait or should we change place?"

"No, let's wait here" I answered, not even giving him a smile then sat down. Artem following behind me then sat down beside me "Why didn't you make any reservation?" I asked, turning to him.

"Sorry, reservation in this place is quite expensive" 

I turn my face to the other side, away from me as I huffed angrily. Take me now.

I pulled my phone out my bag and pretended I have a call "I'll take this, wait" I told him, not even throwing him a glance as I stood up and put my phone on my ear, walking outside the place.

I stood behind a parked car to make sure he won't see, then I ordered an uber. The uber was 5 minutes away, not surprising since we were in the strip.

I tapped my foot impatiently, occasionally taking a glance at the restaurant and the at my phone. And finally, a car pulled up with the same plate number on my phone.

I got in the backseat and closed the door, bidding the driver a smile as he took off. 

The drive wasn't that long, I could've walked but I am in heels. All through out, I kept thinking about how I might meet somebody else in a club, much more handsome, gentleman and well, not Artem.

I paid the driver when he pulled up to the club, paying him the fare then showed the bouncer my ID, letting me in after glancing at me then back to the ID.

I remove my coat and went to the counter, draping my coat to the chair and ordering Vodka shots immediately. The shots then arrived seconds later, emptying out 2 of them at a second.

"Bad night?"

"Yeah, bad date" I answered the bartender, downing another shot as I look at him.

"Well then, enjoy the night"


I'm backkkk.

I'm back full time. I won't be updating anymore stories until I finish this. That's a promise. I'll try to update once or twice a week, depending on the busy schedule of my school.

Hope you guys enjoy, cause we're not even getting started. ~R

Chasing the Butterfly |Conor McGregor|Where stories live. Discover now