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| 3 Years Later |
January 04, 2018

"Are you dreaming again?" A flare of light shine through the blinds, signaling that the sun was already up.

I twisted away from my roommate, Miraki, and pulled the covers up to my body and put the pillow over my head "Later..." I mumbled groggily.

But Mira was not having it.

She pulled the covers off from me, making the cold air swift through my body. And immediately, pulled out the pans from behind her and slammed them together "Wake up!" she yelled, now waking me up and making sure I didn't go back to sleep.

I sat up, hair still all over the place as Mira put the pans down on the bed and pulled the blinds up, letting the sun fill my room with blinding light "You really want me to leave huh?" I asked, pushing my hair back to glare at her properly.

She sat down beside me and pulled me to her side "I actually am" she mumbled while she pulled me in for a hug.

I playfully pushed her, causing her to chuckle "Just kidding, I am going to miss you" Miraki said then gave me a kiss on the top of the head.

Miraki and I met 2 years ago while I was working at some coffee shop as a waitress.

It was after hours when this woman suddenly got angry at her phone, slightly raising her voice at the person she's talking with. Since there were not a bunch of customers anymore, I decided to approach her when the call ended.

Turns out, her ex-roommate wasn't paying the bills for 3 months. And when I found that out, I took the chance and ask if I could replace her, promising her that I do pay my share of bills.

2 weeks later, I moved in with Miraki at her apartment.

Miraki stood up and grab the towel from the chair, tossing it to me as it landed beside me "Your man texted me, told me he'd pick you up at 9. So get ready" she put her hair in a ponytail and closed the door behind her.

Miraki was a 2 years older than me. We clicked fast because she does have a younger sister in the same age as I am back in Japan, she always told me I'm her Irish sister. 

As I stood up from my bed, towel on my shoulder, I glance at the clock and saw that it was already 8:45 am. Wow, Mira woke me up to get enough time.

Before I could go inside the bathroom, Mira opened the door and peaked her head inside "I'll be leaving for work, I have the keys" 

"Alright" I answered shortly, Mira nodding slightly then closed the door behind her. As she did, I went inside the bathroom and closed the door of it myself.


Towel wrapped around my body, I realize that I was not alone in the apartment anymore. More specifically, in the room.

As I step out the bathroom, my boyfriend of one year was sitting on my bed. My boyfriend who I agreed to live in with after 4 months. Back lean to the wall with his phone on his hands.

When he sensed my presence, he looked up at my direction and smiled widely. Returning the smile as he stood up, wrapping his arms on my waist and giving me a kiss "Hey babe"

"Can't wait to see me huh?" I teased, pulling back from the kiss with a playful grin.

He took a step back and look at me from head to toe "If this is the sight, I don't mind being an hour early everyday to see it." 

"Alright Mr. Cruz, I need to change now" I said and pushed him out my room, Dom protesting about the idea the entire time.

"What? Why?" Dom whined when he reached outside, putting a hand on the door preventing me from closing it.

I gave him a peck before giving my answer "Because I said so, Dom. It won't take long" I closed the door and locked it, making sure he wouldn't just bust in for a show.

Dom and I had a very crazy start. 

Dom and I met in a party that Mira arranged for their company blowout. I was invited and Mira's boyfriend brought Dom upon Mira's request.

Mira had no idea about my past. Being a mistress, one night stand with a famous UFC Fighter, and being a Devlin. Mira didn't know what kind of impact Dom would bring to me, a UFC Fighter himself.

I tried to avoid Dom the entire evening since he was a familiar face, but at the same time he was looking for me the entire evening as well.

When he found me in a bar taking some shots, he didn't waste time striking a conversation with me. And of course, he knows me. I tried to excuse myself the entire time, but I myself can't go away.

The next few weeks, Dom keeps texting me after getting my number from Mira. But I declined everytime he would ask me out, telling him that I don't want to be back in the scene of MMA after the apparent 'cheating rumors' years ago that are in fact true.

And besides, I don't think I can live up to a fighters lifestyle. 

But he was persistent, and I did like him. So I gave him a shot, a month later we were officially a couple. Dominick Cruz promising all the privacy from paparazzi I want and needed. Which I appreciated a lot because I did my best to get away from my past, I won't just dive back in to it.

After making sure I didn't forgot anything and all of my little stuff are already in my duffel bag, put my hair up in a ponytail and double check my outfit, looks okay.

After making sure I didn't forgot anything and all of my little stuff are already in my duffel bag, put my hair up in a ponytail and double check my outfit, looks okay

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I put the towel back to the chair and sling the duffel bag over me, putting my sunglasses to my head and stepped out the room, not bothering to close the door anymore.

When Dom saw me, he stood up from the couch and immediately took the bag from me, not letting me protest as he sling the bag to himself and put his arm over me.

"You want anything? Did you eat breakfast already?" I asked, looking up at him "I can make you some sandwich if you like"

"I'm good, have you?"

"Not really, let's grab brunch on our way?"

"Are you asking me out on a date, Dani? That's great cause it's a yes" Dom said enthusiastically, pulling me out the apartment, as I chuckle at his childish response. 

"Dom, paparazzi" 

"Look Dani-" he looked at me and cupped my cheeks "-it's going to be alright. Now let's go out, your neighbor said you don't need to fully lock the apartment" Dom said, ending the sentence with a kiss.

Though I was reluctant, I finally agreed since we didn't go out on a proper date yet. Maybe it's time to shy away from hiding. 


I have to redo the entire thing because fuck wattie man. I hate this shit. All the work I put in and I have to redo it. 

Also, we're sticking with that weekly updates guys, I'm doing it mom! ~Reaper

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