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"You tired?"

"Yeah" I answered Dom as he held the doors open to his house, my duffel bag still placed on his shoulder.

Dom closed the door behind him as I walk around the living room, looking at the pictures on frame by the tv, it was him winning the title, with his family, Dojo and then picture of the both of us.

I put the frame that has the both of us inside and greeted Dojo that was barking and clawing at my leg.

I bent down and cradle the dog in my arms, rocking it slowly like a baby and kissed his forehead.

I then sat down on the couch, still holding Dojo and rocking him gently, pushing my shoes off as I waited for Dom.

5 minutes later, Dom appeared at the living room and sat down beside me, leaning back to the couch and turn the tv on to watch some UFC on Fox "You're spoiling Dojo, he's going to look for more of those"

I put Dojo beside me and let my head fall on the bare chest of Dom "That's fine, I'll be here for quite some time so it won't be a problem" I looked up at him as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

Without looking at me, he replied "Sure you would" we remained in that position before I finally found the power to push myself up.

"I'm going to take a shower. And maybe fix my stuff" I told Dom, picking up my shoes while doing so.

"Alright, there's a spare cabinet beside mine on the bedroom. If you need a towel, there's also a spare one on the bath." He answered, putting his feet on top of the coffee table and putting his arms behind his head.

"Copy that, love you" I lean down and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Love you too. Don't take too long" Dom said as I pulled back. Placing my shoes on the small cabinet at the entrance of the house.

I walked inside his bedroom, now our bedroom, and knelt down to my luggage. I pulled out some pajama shorts and a plain, white shirt and placed them on the bed behind me.

I close the luggage after taking my towel and decided that I'll fix my clothes after I take a bath, slinging the thing over my shoulder and remove my clothes, putting them on the hamper before going inside the bathroom.

I hang the towel and step inside the shower, making sure the water is just right before going going beneath it.


"Hey, you want dinner?" I look up and saw Dom, holding the doorknob of the partially open door with his half of him inside the room. 

I pushed my hair back and look around, scanning the amount of clothes surrounding me. 

I look back at him and shrug "I need to finish this-mess" I said, motioning at the clothes I have around me "But I am hungry" 

"I'll bring the food to you" He said, I was suppose to tell him no but he left right after saying it. 

And with that, I decided to take a break. Pushing off all the clothes on my lap and stand up, laying down on the bed while scrolling through my instagram.

In the midst of me scrolling through my feed, I got a notification, indicating that I got a new follower.

I went to my notification and saw that Conor requested if he could follow me.

Ever since Dom and I became an official couple, he advised me to put all my social media accounts on private. And I didn't regret following his advice after seeing how the girlfriend/wives of his co-workers receive comments.

I do have a few UFC Fighters following me, the ones he's close with or not. 

And because of the history of Conor and I, I am surprised seeing him on my notification. But still, I decided to accept his request and close my phone.

Dom knows Dee and I are sisters. It's not as public but it's impossible that the public won't know, especially with Conor as her 'man' and everything. But Dom doesn't know about what happened to Conor and I, and it will remain like that.

The door opened and Dom handed me a plate, containing steamed chicken, small vegetables and pasta. The takeout we ordered before we went home.

Dom sat down beside me and he turn the tv on, putting it on Netflix and letting me choose the movie. 

I took the remote from him and without thinking twice, I played Alice in Wonderland. 


Hey guys, I'm alive. And I have bought an update with me from the grave.

I should be called mushroom. Not even kidding. I'll be called mushroom from now on- M

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