Complicated - Wonho (Happy Ending)

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Title : Complicated [Happy Ending]
Member : Wonho
Genre : Angst/Fluff


"Aerin-ah!" Youngjae opened door and he smiled widely to see Aerin standing outside their apartment building.

"Is Jaebum in there?"

"Yup. Come in!" Youngjae invited Aerin in and she could hear the television in their living room, and a few barks from their dog, Coco.

"Aerin-ah!" Jackson called as he ran towards her with a hug. Aerin only laughs at him for being loud. The other members hugged her as soon as they sees her.

"How are you?" Mark asked her as she sat on the sofa. Aerin just smiled.

"Good, how about you guys?" Aerin looked at the guys and they just look at each other.

"Just as usual. Anyway, how's Monsta X?" Jackson asked and Aerin smiled a little.

"They are having a rest now."

"We know you are feeling sad, Aerin. You don't have to hide it." Jinyoung said softly, making Aerin to instantly look away.

"Well, I'm still feeling sad but not as bad as last time. Thanks to Jaebum, I'm over the situation." Aerin said with a smile. The Got7 members then sees a hint of redness on Aerin's cheeks.

"Ready?" Jaebum suddenly appeared making Aerin to instantly stood up.


"Have fun, hyung!" Yugyeom said with a hint of tease. Jaebum glared at him, as Aerin just chuckle at them.

"So where are we going?" Aerin asked and Jaebum somehow turned serious.

"Can we go back to the place where we eat ice-cream?"

"You mean the playground?"

Jaebum nodded.

"Well, if it's what you want, then let's go!"


"So..., what's up until you have to meet me instantly?" Aerin said with a hint of curiousness. Jaebum was looking down, trying to find his words.

"Aerin-ah..." Jaebum paused for a while, as he looked up to Aerin, who was already staring at him.

"What is it? You're making me scared Jae."

"I think I have a crush on you." Jaebum finally said it, and Aerin was blinking at him. Am I dreaming?

Aerin just blink continuously, not believing what she jeard. Jaebum on the other hand was staring at her.

"I know, you still have feelings for Wonho, right?" Jaebum smiled sadly and Aerin sighs loudly.

"I-I.. I didn't know you have feelings for me.., I'm just— All this while, I thought we are best friends that likes to throw lame jokes at each other.," Aerin frowns and Jaebum chuckles, a sad one.

"It's okay Aerin-ah. I actually knew you are going to reject me, so I'm already prepared. Just to let you know, I will always be waiting for you, no matter what."


"I'm sorry Jaebum."

"Stop apologizing! Jeez, Aerin!" Jaebum chuckles, but Aerin wasn't laughing, she could see Jaebum trying to hide his feelings.

"I hope after I step in, our friendship won't be ruined."

"What are you talking about? We ARE still best friends you idiot." Jaebum said as he opens his arms for a hug, and Aerin hugged him tightly. I'm sorry, Jaebum. I'm really am.

"Stop making that face! C'mon!" Jaebum whines and Aerin managed to smile. Jaebum waved at her as he was walking backwards. They both keep on waving at each other, till the elevator covered Jaebum's face.

Aerin sighs before keying in the door. As soon as she closes the door, she was engulfed into a hug, making Aerin to be shock. This scent...

She knew who it was and as she glance towards the person, Wonho was tightening the hug.

"I'm so sorry Aerin.. I'm really sorry..," Wonho mumbled, and soon, Aerin could feel a wet sensation, realising that Wonho was crying. She just kept quiet, waiting for Wonho to calm down.

After about 10 minutes, Wonho still hugging Aerin, he finally calms down. Wonho breaks the hug, Aerin tried to make an eye-contact with him but he keeps looking down.

They were facing each other. Wonho was looking down, while Aerin was peering onto him.

"What are you doing here?" Aerin finally speaks up.

"I— I— I don't know!" Wonho suddenly yelled making Aerin to jump a little.

"I honestly don't know! the fact that your face always appear on my mind every night! Every night! Every night, I would always had a breakdown.," Wonho's voice was really shaky.

"I realised my mistake, and I really need you, Aerin. Physically and emotionally. I really do..," Wonho sniffled.

"I saw you that night., Why did you cheat on me? Why couldn't you just tell me?" Aerin murmured and Wonho ruffles his own hair, knowing he screwed up.

"I honestly don't know, Aerin. I'm just here to say sorry. It's okay if you don't love me anymore." Wonho looks up with a sad smile. Aerin widen her eyes.

"So you don't love me anymore? Are you going to just give up?" Aerin frowns. This time Wonho was the one widening his eyes, kind of shock to hear what Aerin said.

"What? I thought you and Jaebum are together. I heard you guys." Wonho mumbled and Aerin chuckled.

"I... rejected him." Aerin smiled sadly, Wonho gaso a little.

"But.. why?"

"Because I still have feelings for you! It sucks! You're not the only one who is suffering.., me too." Aerin sighs frustratedly and Wonho just stared at her.

"C-can we start all over again?"

Aerin looks at him, seeing his eyes genuinely full of regrets. She was hesitating, to trust him.

"If you want to. But if you ever cheat again, I don't—

Aerin was about to finish her sentence when Wonho suddenly engulfed her into a hug, as he wrapped his arms around her neck, as he moves her around.

"I won't baby. I won't."

I hope he sticks to his words.


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