A New Song

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First lesson went fairly quickly. My class were doing an assessment and all did very well so it was a good start to the day.

Opening the door to the classroom, Violetta and Leon were already outside and I could see Cami, Fran and Maxi not too far behind.

"Come in then!" I said smiling.

As everyone filed in I grabbed the sheet music for this lesson. As I was organising it Violetta came over.

"Just a quick one-have you thought about it?" she whispered in my ear.

"Not yet. Told you I will think about it and tell you tonight." I whispered back.

"Fine." She said rolling her eyes. She was very desperate for her answer.

When she took her seat, I saw that everyone had arrived so I began the lesson. We were singing a new song that Pablo wrote called 'One day'. Everyone enjoys the lyrics very much and it has a lovely message. One class will be asked to perform it and Antonio will select them randomly so we need to be prepared.

I ask each person to sing a line of the very long chorus but as always there is always a problem. Usually Ludmilla.

"Umm Angie, can I ask how come I got the most boring line? I should have got the line about my name being in lights. I mean I think we can all agree that one is far more accurate."

"Ludmilla everyone is assigned their lines and I'm not swapping yours now, Antonio selected who should sing what." I said shaking my head. Naty rose her hand.

"Umm Angie I didn't get a line." She stuttered.

"I know Naty because you won't be singing the chorus, Antonio wants you to sing the main part so you will sing the verses instead." I say as I hand her a sheet with the lyrics.

She smiles as she looks down at them.

"What?" Ludmilla snatched the song from Naty, "Ummm.. Tell me why was she selected over me? Isn't it enough you humiliate me by choosing Violetta over me constantly and now Naty? Are your standards dropping? What is wrong with everyone, trying to make these people stars? There is only one star here and that is me!" She flicked her hair as she ended.

I sighed. She was on my last nerve.

"Go and speak to Antonio about it, he said if there were any issues to address them with him." I say, hoping to shut her up.

"Fine," she says walking from the room "Let's see who has the role soon!"

With her gone I handed Naty another copy and we all sung through, I would sing in Ludmilla's line.

Everything was going so well and when it came to Ludmilla's line I almost choked. I hadn't really checked it until now so when I came to sing it I froze. Everyone noticed but I pretended that I missed it as I was playing the piano at the same time so nobody was suspicious.

But there was one person who knew exactly why I didn't sing that line.

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