163.Deducing Strangers

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"Well, how about that one?" John asked, pointing to someone they walked passed. Sherlock looked at her for a quick minute before looking back in front of himself.

"She's about twenty three, evidence of kids, babies, children of all ages and types, hanging around her so I suppose she works at a daycare for extra money. About two years ago she was homeless, but since then, she got a job at a bakery. Suggested by the dough under her fingernails. She doesn't have a lot of clothes, she worn that shirt already five times without washing it, and her trousers she changed just yesterday. Having been homeless once, she wants to spend money on the absolute necessities, food, water, shelter, etc."

"How do you know she was homeless?" John questioned.

"Homeless network. She used to be a part of it. Glad to see she got her life together, her name is Myrian." Sherlock took John's hand and hummed quietly.

"How about you deduct an animal?"

"An animal?" Sherlock frowned. "They're not really interesting."

"Deduct that cat." John pointed to a little cat in an alleyway.

Sherlock nodded, looking at the cat. "Been stray for about sixty seven days. Owners moved and they weren't allowed to keep her so they put her on the streets. She lives on a small amount of food that people give her. Recently she's been attacked by another cat, you can see that by the bite marks and scratches around her body. She went blind in her right eye after something fell into it-- John?"

Sherlock looked back, John wasn't with him anymore. He walked back to the alleyway and saw John feeding the cat. "The poor thing," He mumbled, giving her some more food, which she ate quickly. John pet her head and smiled. "I want to bring her to a vet and get her treated. Please? She's going to die if we let her out here!"

"Oh, someone will walk by eventually and help her." Sherlock rolled his eyes.

"Yes, and I'm that person." John said, picking the cat up. She meowed and curled into his arms. "Let's continue our walk." He hummed.

"Okay. Who to deduct next?" Sherlock asked, looking around.

"That bird." John pointed to a bird.

"That bird has been domesticated. You can find them in stores. Have you noticed the missing pet posters up? That bird flew out it's cage and out the window. There's a huge prize for finding the bird." Sherlock snuck up to it being quiet. Whenever the bird looked at him, he froze, then continued to walk. Eventually he jumped up and grabbed the bird, pulling off his hat and trapping it in there. "Let's return the bird home. I know where to go." He smiled.

John nodded, following Sherlock. "And what kind of bird is it?" He asked.

"Budgie." Sherlock hummed.

"Budgie! Budgie, budgie!" A little voice said.

"John?" Sherlock asked. John shook his head.

"John! John! John, John!" The bird inside the hat fluttered around.

"Oh, tedious. It can speak." Sherlock mumbled.

"Oh tedious! Tedious! It can speak!" The bird chirped.

John laughed, "What's your name?" He asked.

"It's not going to know it's name, John--"

"Esteir! Esteir! Hi! I'm Esteir!"

Sherlock rose a brow. "Nevermind. This bird has been trained quite well."

"Hi! I'm Esteir!"

"We get it." Sherlock groaned.

Esteir looked out of the hat and stared at John. "Cat!" He said.

"Yes, I've got a cat." John nuzzled the cat's nose.

After that, Esteir looked up at Sherlock. "Hat Detective! Hat Detective!"

"So this budgie lives in a house with a cat and someone who knows who I am." Sherlock said and turned into another street. "We're almost to the house anyways, let's keep going."

In almost nine minutes, they walked up to the house. Sherlock knocked on the door. A little old lady answered with a smile. "Hello, Sir." She said.

"Do you have an annoying bird named Esteir?" He held up the bird.

"Oh Esteir!" The lady took the bird in her hands. "You're my hero. Who might you be?"

"Sherlock Holmes, ma'am."

"Oh my! You are! Sherlock Holmes!" She squealed and threw her arms around Sherlock, her cane hitting the small of his back a little.

Sherlock stood there awkwardly, allowing her to hug him.

She backed off after a minute and ran inside, she came back out with an old version camera and put an arm around Sherlock. Esteir hung on her shoulder and tilted his head towards the camera as she took a picture.

She thanked him and hugged John, taking a picture with him as well. She thanked them both, gave them their money, and let them on their way.

They went to the vet to get the cat looked at then went home.

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