199.Camping Horror

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You're going to have to visit my new story, Daily Johnlock2, to see my next chapter. This is the furthest I can go on here, apparently there's a maximum number of chapters you can have. :T
John looked into the skies, the gorgeous dark skies with bright and plentiful stars. He put his hand on Sherlock's chest and moved closer to him, both staring into the celestial masterpiece they weren't used to.

“Looks nice,” John whispered, snuggling closer to Sherlock.


John rolled his eyes, “You look nice, too.”

“Not as nice as you do.” Sherlock responded, his arm around John. He yawned and buried his face against his boyfriend's neck. “I'm so tired. Can we go to sleep now?” He asked.

John nodded and sat up. He took Sherlock's hand as he stood, walking into the tent. They weren't really by many people and there were quite a few animals out there. Sherlock wasn't really fond of the bugs and spiders crawling over him and making him feel uncomfortable.

But John wanted to spend three days out camping, so Sherlock couldn't refuse.

They got inside the tent and zipped it up, then crawled under the blanket to go to sleep. They had an air mattress and it was more comfortable that way, only condition Sherlock would agree to go with.

They cuddled up with each other, Sherlock's arms around John's waist and laying with his chest against John's back.

“Goodnight,” Sherlock whispered.

“Goodnight,” John responded, yawning. He was comfortable, so he went to sleep. They both slept, cuddling with each other until the morning.

John got up first and shook Sherlock awake. “Wake up, Honey.”

Sherlock's eyes opened and he looked at John. He sat up and kissed his cheek, then went to look through their bag.

“Here.” He handed John his clothes and got some out for himself.

“Thank you.” John said, pulling off his shirt. Sherlock turned to him, staring with a sly smile.

John put on the white T-shirt and camo trousers, Sherlock was suddenly happy about being able to pick out what they would wear.

Sherlock kissed him quickly and then changed into what he packed for himself, casual trousers and a normal not dressy shirt.

He took John's hand, standing up and unzipping the tent. Immediately, a horrible smell went through the little opening and John stepped back, disgusted.

Opening the rest of the door and stepping out, Sherlock was faced with a horrific sight. John stepped out as well and looked at it all.  

“Oh my gosh…”

Their entire tent was surrounded with dead rabbits. Starting from the front to the back, it was surrounded-- completely surrounded-- in dead, decapitated rabbits.

“What the hell?!” Sherlock yelled stepped back and into John's arms, who hugged him a little tightly and pulled him closer, if even possible. The rest of the day, Sherlock investigated it, trying to find the person who did that.

By the end of the day, Sherlock had come up with nothing. John waited for him in the bed and frowned. Sherlock came to the tent a little late and crawled in next to John, kicking his shoes off and going to sleep. John didn't have time to ask him anything before he was asleep.

John hugged Sherlock and feel asleep with him, this weird feeling in the back of his mind that someone was watching them.

In the morning, John woke up first. He packed away their things while humming a little. Sherlock got up afterwards, standing and putting on his shoes before walking out. John got up with him, setting a hand on his shoulder. “Sleep well?”

“Didn't sleep.”

“What?” John tilted his head.

“Just thinking.” Sherlock mumbled, looking at John. He heard something and turned around, something was inside their tent. Sherlock stepped forward and opened the door, only to jump back a bit and yelp. There was a dark figure in there, one hand holding the body of a rabbit and the other hand holding it's head.

“Run.” The figure said in a raspy voice.

Sherlock was about ready to fight, but John grabbed his hand and started to run, not even thinking twice about their stuff. The person that was inside their tent was right on their heels, following close behind them. Sherlock turned around and kicked the man's crotch, making him fall over. Sherlock kicked his stomach and beat him, not letting John drag him away anymore. He took the mask off, observing the face.

It was a man that Sherlock had tried to jail awhile ago. He killed three children and their mother, but he got away. John knocked the man unconscious and they went back to the campsite, packing everything up and putting it all in their backpacks. Afterwards, John started to drag the man that attacked them, not wanting to leave him unconscious and alone in the forest.

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