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Sherlock and John were just returning from the hospital. Nothing too serious happened, Sherlock just fell over and hit his head on a table, which caused him to pass out. There wasn't too much damage done, but he had a bandage around his head and was feeling a little tired and weak. They also brought their child, Rosamund, because they wanted to take her out to the park afterwards and they couldn't get a babysitter right away.

They were walking home, it was a little dark out and not too many people were out.

“I'm tired, Dadlock.” Rosamund said, squeezing Sherlock's hand.

“I am, too.” Sherlock said, patting her head. He yawned, leaning against John's shoulder.

“We're almost home--” John was stopped by someone yelling stop. A group of rough and intense looking teenagers came around them.

One of them, who looked like the leader, held out two knives, one to John's neck and the other to Sherlock's.

“Put your hands up right now and give us all your valuables.”

“Well, we can't give you our things while our hands are up.” said Sherlock.

Rosamund started crying and Sherlock picked her up, rubbing her back and kissing her.

“Give us the child too.”

John had been reaching for his wallet and ready to take off his wedding ring, when he heard that. He glanced up at his husband and daughter, then looked back at the group of teenagers.

“No.” John said, now angry. “I will not give you my daughter.” He stepped forwards.

“You've got a problem, little man?” This man was big. He was much bigger than John.

“Yes, I've got a problem. That's my daughter, she's not an item, I'm not giving you her.”

“Well your buddy is injured and your child is about three, so I don't think I'll have a problem taking her, and all your money.”

There were about five teenagers that ganged up on them, they all had knives.

Sherlock had a head injury, he was feeling weak and tired, he wouldn't be able to fight. John told him to back up a little, so he did.

John grabbed the knives, turned them around, and jabbed them into the man's arms. He fought him off and then looked at his friends, going after them, too. But they ran away screaming.

“Oh my darling husband,” Sherlock breathed, stepping closer to John. “you saved us.”

“Of course.” John leant up and kissed Sherlock's lips, it was returned after a few seconds and they pulled each other into a hug. “I love you.”

“I love you too, thank you, John, I love you, my Dear,” he whispered.

John cupped his face. “Let's go home.” He took Rosamund from Sherlock's arms and started to calm her. She was still crying, so John wiped away her tears and kissed her cheeks.

They called for a cab and all went inside, going back to 221B Baker Street.

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