Part 6: Facing the Hutt

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Anakin rushed about his family's small hovel, collecting anything he thought would be important enough to bring with him, though he knew he had plenty of time to pack. He couldn't contain his excitement. Finally, he was going to leave Mos Eisley. Not only that, but he was going to leave the planet! He'd heard so much about the galaxy beyond Tatooine from the smugglers who frequented the planet for the unscrupulous opportunities it offered. Everything he'd learned about Coruscant fascinated him. An entire planet as one, big city? Towering buildings so tall you couldn't see the bottom? He was eager to see it all for himself.

But the sights weren't what excited him the most. He was being given an opportunity. For once in his life, he was going to be doing something worthwhile, something that would make a difference. Even if the Jedi Temple were in a sewer, he would have been excited to go.

Anakin stopped when he heard an engine sounding nearby. He heard it stop just outside their home, then looked to his step-father, who had been preparing to go out into the city.

"They can't be back already, can they?" he asked.

Cliegg shook his head.

"That doesn't sound like our landspeeder," he replied. He gestured toward the back room. "Take your mother to the next room, Anakin."

Shmi put the knife she'd been using to prepare dinner down on the counter and proceeded with her son into the bedroom, closing the door behind them. Anakin went to the door pressed his ear against it.

"Come away from there, Anakin," his mother whispered.

"I want to listen," he argued quietly.

Shmi sighed and knelt down next to him, close enough to hear if there was trouble on the other side of the door.

Anakin heard their visitors bang on the door and demand for Cliegg to open it. He couldn't tell if there was a response, but they continued to knock. The man on the other side repeated his demand in a growl.

There was a loud boom, causing the door Anakin had his ear against to quake. He jumped back into his mother, who looked just as frightened as he felt. Who would bother to blast their way into a house like theirs? They didn't have anything worth stealing!

Shmi moved him aside so she could get to her feet. Anakin watched her rush over to his step-father's bed where she stuck her hand under the thin mattress. She pulled out an old blaster pistol he'd never seen before and hurried back to him. She placed him behind herself and held the blaster in two shaking hands as she pointed it at the door. Anakin leaned to the side to peer around her. They could hear the intruders in the next room rummaging through their things. It didn't take them long. Someone knocked at the door.

"Anybody in there?" a gruff voice asked.

Neither Anakin nor his mother answered him.

"Hey, we know this guy wasn't the only one home," the man continued, "don't make us blast our way in there; we already wasted time on the front door."

"What do you want?" Shmi demanded, "what have you done to him?"

"Look, we're not here to hurt anyone," the intruder replied through the door, "we just want the kid. So, why don't you come out here and we'll get this over with, huh?"

Anakin looked up at his mother, his brow furrowed. She didn't take her eyes off the door.

"You can't have him," she stated firmly.

"What's going on?" Anakin whispered.

Shmi hushed him.

"Gardulla told us not to hurt you or your family, but that doesn't mean we won't take you back to the stronghold and lock you up so she can teach you a lesson," the man growled, "open this door. Now."

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