Chapter 1 - Conceiving Affection

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2020 EDIT!: I was finally able to access the book to change the ages! Thank you for everyone who commented! I'm also changing it so their twins, both having a birthday on August 10 cause I'm trash and I like my birthday. (Never been to school on my birthday 😊)

This is a love story between Harry Potters little sister, Selena Potter, and Lord Voldemort/ Tom Riddle

(WARNING:I've ignored a lot of canon to include this new character and obviously to make this ship
DISCLAIMER!! NONE!! OF THE CHARACTERS,apart from Selena Potter, ARE MINE! You know where they come from, neither are the pictures, unless I mention that I made them which is unlikely)

(WARNING PART 2: Both Harry and Selena are twins and were born on August 10th.

Chapter 1: is mainly character explaining and only has Selena and Professor Snape, please do read or else you won't understand the character Selena.

Chapter 1 - Conceiving Affection

With Harry Potter joining Hogwarts in the year 1991, everyone in the wizarding community was overjoyed. The world however was less happy with his little sister, his twin but still born second,joining in the exact same year.

Selena Potter often falls asleep at her desk in her room, or anywhere she happens to be in fact, while writing an essay. Not that she hated them and would prefer to nap instead, she was very much like Hermione in the way she studied and learned magic. In fact, Selena's power was far stronger than young witches her age, something Harry hated and often neglected her. She was kinda afraid of him, even then she was stronger than him.Far stronger.

Selena started having nightmares about Lord Voldemort in her first year at Hogwarts, though she kept it to herself. Due to her lack of sleep at night she often fell asleep while doing something she didn't find interesting or got bored of doing after writing for so long, which on this occasion was a potion essay for Professor Snape.

Sometimes when she falls asleep like this she has certain "dream predictions" (as the word suggests she makes prophecies and general predictions and they manifest themselves as dreams) mostly she dreamt about lessons and topics she will be studying in the near future, what's being served for dinner, the occasional test paper and answer sheet, and this was perfectly fine with her. But sometimes she had horrific nightmares of what will be known in the future as The Battle of Hogwarts. This was only her first year, she was only 11 years old witnessing those visions of horror.

Now she was in 5th year, and now 15 years old, the nightmares got more vivid and happened more frequently. However on this particular occasion she dreamt of no horror, no murder, just him. She was dreaming about Lord Voldemort, Sitting in an armchair in front of a fireplace. She felt like she was actually there, standing next to him as he gazed into the fire.

As she looked around the room she took note of how magnificent the design was, how extravagant, it was clearly one of many in a mansion? Or perhaps a castle? She wasn't sure. She was so deep into this dream she failed to wake to the sound of approaching footsteps coming from the waking world.

"Asleep again Miss Potter?" Sighed Professor Snape as he gazed at the sleeping student from her position with her head in her arms on a desk in the library. Her wavy chocolate hair falling down her her back with a strand falling over her face, which was nearly identical to that of her mother, Lilly Evens.

Professor Snape would sometimes notice Selena while she was studying, often looking confused, also when asked it was often his homework she was confused with. Despite his initial thoughts about the young witch, which led him to believe she would be just like her father, a little trouble maker, in fact she was a fantastic student, although a little problematic at times, she was a pleasure to teach, even for Snape himself. He was proud to have her in his house, yes, Selena Potter is a Slytherin.

The issue with Selena is that she struggled with communication, specifically with humans. She loved to learn but for some reason could never ask for help when she needed it, she also found it difficult to read books due to an extreme lack of concentration, not that this stopped her from trying she loved to read and was saddened by her inability to read 'correctly'.

Professor Snape knew she had this issue and always offered assistance when he noticed her confused expressions in both the classroom and the library, and explained it in a way better suited for her to understand. She always appreciated it too.

"Come on Miss Potter its passed curfew" Said Snape as he tried to gently wake her.
"MissPotter......Miss Potter!" He continued for a few minutes but eventually gave up his attempts as it seemed she was sleeping too deeply to wake.

He knew. He knew about her dream predictions and her nightmares and figured this was another one of those times. This was not the first time she fell asleep to one of those dreams in a public location and missed curfew however she always woke up in her bed the next morning, unaware that Professor Snape took her back to her private room in a secret tower.
"Ok Selena.....let's get you to bed"
Professor Snape gently picked Selena up and moved to carry her back to her room once more. He listened and observed her expression intently, she often did things in her sleep like walking, talking and on occasion non-verbal magic spells. Usually she would have done one of those three by now but...
"Your quiet tonight Selena" he whispered to the sleeping girl in his arms.

"What kind of dream are you having?" Her expression looked similar to when she was researching an interesting topic, as well as being similar to her expression when playing, feeding or using magic to talk to animals, a talent she was gifted at and was using even before she joined Hogwarts, it was a look of pure fascination. As he gazed at Selena's sleeping face he had no idea that Lord Voldemort himself was watching them. The Dark Lord bore an emotion he wasn't used to and couldn't identify, this emotion was jealousy and Voldemort had only just begun to feel it's effects.

When they reached Selena's room Snape carried Selena to her bed and lay her down onto it. As he was covering her with a blanket he felt a twinge in his arm, the arm that bore the dark mark. He was being summand. Once Selena was tucked into bed Snape checked she was still sleeping soundly then left to respond to his summons.

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