Chapter 3 - I will remember you

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2020 Edit....

(I just want to explain why Voldemort would be so interested in Selena so here's what happened)

Tom Riddle. He was raised in an orphanage and was not shown much love. He was conceived under the effects of a love potion, thus his lack of this particular emotion.

Tom was unusually gifted, he was a wizard.
( if you want to know more about Tom Riddle I suggest you check online because it will be better explained/ more information)

One day Tom got so angry at one of the other children in the orphanage he locked himself into his room. His anger did not subside growing bigger until he started doing some sort of magic. Unknown to Tom he was causing a time spell. With a big flash of blinding light Tom lost consciousness.
(Selena is 5 years old)

Third Person's POV

Selena was playing in a small lake near her house.
(Ever seen the Disney movie Tangled? Imagine the place where Rapunzel tower is but replace the tower with a cottage house, surrounded by cliffs and completely isolated)
She saw a flash of light too bright for her to look at, when it was safe to look she saw a young boy fall to the ground, unconscious.

She ran up to the boy and held his head in her lap, since Selena was isolated her whole life she couldn't speak the human language, she did however use magic with her hands. Using her hands she called a stream of water to cool down the evident fever he had developed.

She gazed down at the young boy, now sleeping with regulated breathing. She had not seen many creatures that look like him. He had two legs so not a horse-based creature like a unicorn or Centaur. He wasn't transparent or had pointy ears so not a spirit or elf of any kind, no visible wings so not a fairy. She thought deeply of what he could be until it hit her. As she reached for the boys hand she realised it looked like hers, as did his legs, his ears, nose even his mouth! They all resembled hers.

''Could We be the same kind of creature?' She thought. She continued to gaze at the boy for a while, calming his fever with his magic, eventually he stirred.

Toms POV

'That feels nice' I said in my mind, I could feel a nice, soothing coolness on my forehead. 'Wait a my head on somebody's lap? It's small so a young girls' 'ugh who is touching me?!' I still couldn't  open my eyes, or talk for that matter. 'Who ever is touching me though is quite....calming' eventually I managed to open my eyes.

"Mmmm" I moaned as I opened my eyes , I was expecting to be blinded by a light or something but no, what filled my vision was a girl, with soft looking long brown hair, calming hazel eyes which shined despite looking away from the sun showing a mix of blue, green and brown. So beautiful.

She looked at me with concern but didn't say anything.

The girl looked confused and remained quiet. I tried to sit up but found it hard to,

"don't tell me I have a fever" I looked at the girl who was still quiet looking at me.

"okay perhaps tell me?' I was trying to get her to speak but despite that I got no verbal response from her, though she did put her hand to my forehead.

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