Chapter 4 - To Capture a Heart

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2020 Edit....

It's dark.
The occasional flash could be seen outside.
Ignorant to the usually connoted depressing weather was Selena sleeping in her bed, in the private room in a secret tower of Hogwarts, Ignorant for she had her own problems. A nightmare.

When ever she has a nightmare she looses control of her magic and often destroys the room she is in, once she even set the room on fire, naturally, Snape saved her.

By pure coincidence Professor Snape was coming to check up on her and noticed the state of the room. He immediately took action and checked Selena's temperature, he confirmed she had a fever and needed to get it down.

Unlike her typical nightmares this one was brought on by her fever which made it difficult for Snape to treat it. Following the same routine when she has her Voldemort-based dreams he hurries to her bedside table then wines and opens a music box (playing Masquerade from Phantom of the Opera)

Upon hearing its gentle melody Selena's breathing slowed slightly to the point where she was dreaming peacefully, now all that remained was her fever.

'Well done Severus, how did you know to do that?'

The voice scared Snape at first then he realised it was his master.

'My Lord, Selena often has nightmares this is the only way to calm her down, as you can see the nightmares are problematic' Snape said gesturing to the room, which at this point was messy and had broken glass/mirrors  everywhere with paper and books thrown around.

"Yes.....they do seem bad, my guess would be that her magic is based off her emotions. Thus leading it to cause a physical reaction in her surroundings...." The Dark Lord began rambling about her magic, this increased when he realised the lightning had stopped and the rain had eased up considerably.

"I see..." Snape listened to his master but was more concerned for the sick child sleeping in the bed.

Snape was very concerned as to why Voldemort kept coming to see Selena and the amount of time he came only increased. Though it should be mentioned he never spoke to her and made sure to keep himself hidden, which itself annoyed the dark lord.

"That's it! I know how I'm going to talk to her!"

"What!? My Lord what are you thinking?"

"Here's the plan" Voldemort ignoring Snape and his concerns on the matter and pretended not to hear him.
Selena's POV

I sat in the potions classroom waiting for Professor Snape to arrive, I'm always early because I try to avoid people.

Right before the Professor walked in the class came in. The Professor brought in a student that I've never seen before. (Tom Riddle wore a mask during the events of Chamber of Secrets...sorry but it's essential for the plot)

"Class this is Tom Riddle, he is a new transfer student, Riddle sit down in an open seat"

The class whispered to each other 'I've heard that name before, where have I heard it' that was when I remembered the diary from second year, didn't that say Tom Riddle?

'Wait so is this THAT Tom? Why is he here being a transfer student? Wasn't he in Hogwarts years ago? Perhaps it's a family name?' I thought not noticing the approaching student.

Tom Riddle sat next to me, gave a smile and a nod, 'he seems so familiar' I couldn't help think. He smiled to me, it felt strange, like he was genuinely happy but couldn't show it. It wasn't a suspicious smile it was just....odd.

Obviously being a potions class we had to do potions, and me and Tom were partnered up. For some reason Snape kept a very close eye on us, but then again,new student, probably checking his ability.

I was always good with potions and the top of the class, though I never showed it and never bragged about it either. While Harry and Draco argued about who came second, to Hermione, they never noticed my mark being even higher than hers.

Towards the end of the class me and Tom had produced a perfectly brewed sleeping potion. So perfect in fact that Professor Snape asked us to bottle it up, he even got us excused from our next class to do so! Woohoo!

*bell noise*

The bell rung and the class rushed out, apart from a few girls who sneaked a last glance at tom and a deadly glance to me.

Well I can see why he is good looking, but I won't chase, I never chase, I've never had a relationship before so I wouldn't even know where to start.
Though something about him....draws me to him for some reason.

I could feel Toms glances to me like he's watching me carefully while we bottle up the potion.

Toms POV

She is amazing at potions! I glanced at Severus who then nodded to me as I slipped one of the full bottles of the sleeping potion 'this will come in handy later' I kept glancing over to Selena, she probably noticed. I smiled every time she caught me.

She hasn't changed much since she was a child, that child I met in the secluded area, that child who helped me even though I was not only a stranger but the first human she had met.

She doesn't talk much, that might be because I'm not close to her. I want to be. I want to be friends with her, perhaps more than friends in the future. I have to convince her I'm not as bad as Dumbledore makes me out to be. 'I'll take this bottle, I have an idea'
Normal POV

It was late afternoon and time for dinner, Selena sat far away from her brother, who sat at the Gryffindor table, while Selena at the Slytherin one. Every now and then Harry would look up only to glare at her.

Harry hated Selena, she was stronger than he was, though he had no idea by how much, for this reason he despised her very existence. Selena was only there to protect Harry, this is what Dumbledores plan is for her and Harry didn't feel a thing for his little sister. In fact he wouldn't care if she was hurt, which she was in previous years defending him.

Selena had very good manners and ate her meal as if eating in front the queen. Tom watched her from his seat diagonally from her, obviously being sat at the Slytherin table, this is Tom Riddle we are talking about. He admired her manners, wondering how she learned them, he knows she has no 'human' family at her home.

That got him thinking of the animals she so clearly loved, he wants Selena to join him at Riddle Manor but she wouldn't want to leave her animals..... 'ah ha! That's it' Tom planned his future surprise to Selena while he finished dinner, waiting for his chance to capture her heart.

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