Chapter 15 - Recovery....we hope.

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2020 EDIT....

Immediately after apperating Selena was placed onto the bed.

The Malfoy's and Bellatrix all stood back in order to give Tom and Severus room to work, none of them were willing to leave until Selena was at least stable and was certainly going to make it.

After hours of working she was just that, stable.

Severus let out a deep breath, as did Tom. The amount of magical power they both just used to heal her, plus Lucius' assistance in getting rid of the curse (which took 1 hour 1/2 itself).

Narcissa, being the mother dearest that she is, made all three grown men take a magic replenishing potion plus an energy replenishing potion.

Once they had the three Malfoy's left with the promise to explain everything to the lower death eaters, so there would be no confusion as to why they won't see their Queen and presumingly their Lord for a while.

Severus stayed in the room for a few extra minutes to make sure Tom was ok, Tom however was just sat in a chair next to Selena.

"Tom, it's late, if you are staying with her, would you like to move her to her room now or tomorrow?

"I will do it now, she will be more comfortable in her room"

Tom then picked Selena up in his arms once more, he walked slowly towards her room.

Once he reached it he placed her in her bed and tucked her in, after transfiguring her battle outfit into her favourite dark blue PJ's.

Tom then took a seat next to her bed, he knew she was going to develop a fever soon so wanted to be nearby to he could help her.

Now he had to play the waiting game...

************************************* 3 days later

Tom was still next to Selena, even after 3 days she still had not woken up, obviously Tom tried to talk through the mind again but she only responded once where Tom found out she was still in pain and drowsy.

He had propped her up so she was sitting up slightly. He also gave her a little bit of water every 30mins but she hasn't eaten in 3 days so Tom, along with the rest of the inner circle, were getting concerned.

Over the three days, different lower death eaters requested to see their Lord and visit their Lady and Queen.

The first group was 3 people, two females and one male. When they requested Tom was confused as to why they wanted to see them both, since they all knew Selena, well Midnight to them, was in a somewhat magical coma.

When he granted them entrance he was honestly shocked to see that they had two bouquets of flowers, dark blue roses in one and another with blue iris'.

When The group presented the flowers to Tom he asked why those specific types.

One of the women said

Women1: "once I was talking to Lady Midnight, she told me about her favourite flower, the dark blue rose. When I ask why it was her favourite she said it symbolised rarity, wisdom and 1-of-a-kind things. My Lady matches all of these characteristics My Lord."

"What about the Iris'? Tom asked.

This time the other woman spoke:

"Blue iris' represent hope and faith, it represents the hope of all of the death eaters that my Lady recovers, and our faith in her that she will, My Lord"

To say that Tom was surprised was an understatement, Severus, who was also in the room, was shocked too.

"You three....are very kind..... You have my gratitude...I'm sure Midnight will be very happy when she wakes up and sees them" Tom, for once in front of lower death eaters, smiled. It may have been a sad smile, but a smile none the less.

The three death eaters bowed and left the room.

Over the 3 days since Selena had made it home, multiple groups of death eaters came to visit, all bringing similar flowers, all in the colour dark blue, though the shades varied.

As Tom sat next to Selena he was holding her left hand in his right. He started to use his left hand to move away some of the hair on her forehead.

On this one occasion of him repeating the action, when his fingers brushed her head she stirred ever so slightly. He then stood up and stoked her cheek hoping the sensation would wake her. Minutes did.

Mmgh" she let out a small moan, her voice was soft. She opened her eyes slightly, just about half way. Her eyes were unfocused at first but eventually landed on Tom then opened most of the way.

"Ow!" she tried sitting up but it caused her pain, Tom placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned her back down onto the bed, she tried to resist him but she had no strength.

"T..Tom" she tried to speak, but it obviously hurt her.

"You were hit during the battle in the Ministry, remember? Tom spoke to her softly, as not to scare her.

She nodded her head and Tom told her he would be one second, he sent a message to Severus to come to her room as she had woken up.

About a minute after Tom returned to Selena's side, Severus came through the door, he smiled at Selena, who gave a weak smile back.

He walked up to Selena and checked her temperature by putting a hand on her forehead.

She closed her eyes briefly at the cold touch. Sadly the moment didn't last long as Severus took his hand off of her head and gave Tom a potion to help he with the fever she had developed.

While Tom gave her the potion, Severus went into the bathroom and got a wet flannel for her forehead, he also got another one to put on the back of her neck, a trick that Selena had told him about in the past. She would use that technique to lower her body temp during the hot weather.

After she took the potions and had a wet flannel on both her forehead and the back of her neck (there was a towel on the pillow so it didn't get wet) She looked half asleep and could barely keep her eyes open.

" hurts" It hurt Tom to see Selena so weak.

Tom stroked her left cheek and spoke to her.

"Go to sleep, Selena. You are safe now and need to recover" immediately after his sentence her eyes closed and her breathing slowed and softened.

"Sweet dreams, My Love" Tom whispered to her and kissed her cheek.

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