Chapter 13 - The Raid begins tonight

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2020 EDIT...


There were sounds coming from everywhere.

The flashing lights of spells surrounding the Arena of Death that Selena stood in the middle of.

She was facing her brother, Harry Potter, he looked beaten up.

Selena looked down at herself and saw, while she wasn't injured, she was covered in dirt. Not that it shown much on her black battle outfit.

She looked back to Harry, he looked livid because he couldn't hit her.

He tried again, and again, and again. She either dodged it or repelled it, which angered him further.

She heard a shout, she recognised the voice...

She turned and saw Tom, as Lord Voldemort, facing it off with Dumbledore.

She looked at him conceded until Tom managed to get Dumbledore in the chest, bringing him to his knees.

Selena smiled, till she saw Harry run over to his fallen mentor. He supported him as Dumbledore resumed battle with Voldemort.

Selena refused to see her love face the two idiots alone and joined him at his side. With a brief smile to each other they fought together.

Eventually Dumbledore was able to stand on his own and Harry joined the fight.

Harry mostly ignored Selena, bad mistake to be honest, and aimed to distract Voldemort so Dumbledore could hit him.

She fought them both alongside her lover till Harry fell to the ground covered in blood.

Selena couldn't tell what happened, or if he was dead or not.

Dumbledore glanced at him with little concern then resumed the fight.

He said something to his army and the Order of the Phoenix, Selena couldn't tell what he said.

Tom then shouted too, again Selena couldn't tell what was being said, but the amount of people in the room decreased rapidly.

The Aurors all left, along with most of the Order.

The Lower death eaters all left too. However, unlike the Order, the entire inner circle stayed.

Dumbledore, Harry (unconscious), Remus, Prof Mcgonagall, Siruis (still spying on the Order), Severus (also spying on the Order), And Tonks.


Voldemort, Midnight (masked- in her classic style), Lucius (masked), Cissa (masked), Draco (masked), Bella (not masked)

Selena had a bad feeling, despite most of the people in the room belonged to the Dark Side, she felt uneasy.

She instantly heard shouting with spells being flown everywhere.

After about a minute, everything felt in slow motion.

She could see Dumbledore throwing a cursed knife, the knife itself was oozing dark magic and black mist.

She instantly knew where it was headed.....right for Tom.

He wasn't reacting in time, it looked as if he was in shock.

It was so close to hitting him.


End of Dream


Selena woke up that morning to her own screaming.

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