『Somebody Has To, Love.

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You're 15 in this you know boi.
Okay, I need to clam down. Also, the fact I have about 60readers in the matter of a week is awesome!

Edit: WE HAVE 400 reader People! LIKE, WTF?! Also, everyone's comments make me laugh my ass off sometimes. Honestly, thanks, y'all be prepared for a special chapter, with Max. Or maybe I'll do a new book for something or a onehsot book for all characters in camp camp? Idk, maybe some reward like that.

But, enjoy my little babies!

3rd Person
You grinned wildly, hugging the guitar closer. "Aw, David! You kept it?!" You exclaimed,d your eyes widened in hope and anticipation.
Maybe it was obvious, maybe not, but you were David's little sister. (Y/N).
Max stared, wide eyes. "DAVID, WHO IS THIS DEMON---" you whistled, kicking him in.... *awkward coughing that soon turns into chokes* yeah, there.

His gut. Duh?

(Psh, what'd you think she hit him? The bitch hole that hates us? Dirty reader, -.-)

You stepped away, standing next to David. Being the shorty you were, he picked you up by your jacket sleeves and hugged you. You smiled wide again, hugging him back.

———————————–———–————skip of times, brought to you by Tricking kids to drink kool-aid to sacrifice them–———

You swung your arms, grinning ear to ear. David said he had something special planned today, it sounded epic! You hummed a small tune, skipping throughout the dug pathways form the tents. Max was behind you, drinking his coffee. Surprisingly, he didn't hate you as much as you and him thought he would.
You stopped in front of davids Cabin, bursting in.

"GOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING, DAVID!" You cheerily yelled, jumping up and down.
"GOOOOOOOOOOOD MORNING, (Y/N)!" He responds,d shooting up and saluting you.

"Grey news, today!" You said, skipping over. "What? You finally realized your love of camp Camp?!" He cheered, grinning.
"Psh, come on Davey...


But, today we're doing that Indian stuff!" You cheered, hugging his pale legs.

David pat your head, picking you and Max up, getting a squeal from you and a hell of curses from Max.

You nearly choked on your own breath, realizing your thoughts.
You looked down and stayed quiet, until you were set down.

You held staff, bouncing around. This reminds,you so much of home.

You didn't even notice David had finished, until you were dragged off by Max and David.

You skipped along with them, smiling widely.
You looked up and then to Max who was staring then you both looked away, Max mumbled something but you couldn't hear.

Maybe today won't be so bad.

----------Timeskip cause I haven't posted in weeks-----

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