•Together through it All•

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Requested By: IJustReadIgnore has requested a Counselor!Max x Counselor!Reader
There was another request for this, Im still doing that one as well! Don't worry!

Hope you enjoy. Please tell me if you don't like this!



3rd Person
You looked at the kids, the reincarnations of your friends. Nurf's kids; Or and Nothing.
Nikki; Miracle and Fir
Neil: Lunette and Casandra.
Space Kid: Pluto and Venus (Heh)
Ered: Mariah
Nerris: Travis, Louie and Dave
Dolph: Adol, Cherry and Carly.
Preston: Romeo and Julie. (Original)
Harrison: Lauren.
Technically, everyone had children and sent them here.
Besides you and Max, who had now run the Camp with David and Gwen who live In a Cabin nearby. Except Max, was being a bitch and "was visiting David" even though he drove the opposite way to town. Probably to fucking Muffin Tops. Horny bitch...

You watched the kids hold the bats, letting you have a break. They'd been running around, crazy all day....
You sighed in relief knowing it was finally- CRASH!
"ROMEO, DAVE. STOP ATIMG EACHOTHERS FACES. JULIE AND LOUIE, STOP FIGHTING OVER MAGIC AND STAGE PLAYS!" You shouted, running over. You pulled them all away, face growing pale and tired.

Everyone started running around,s creaming and hitting. Your eye began twitching, and you stood up straight. "ALRIGHT, EVERYONE IN A LINE NOW. ANYONE WHO DOENST WILL HAVE TO CARVE BARK OFF THE TALLEST TREES IN THE WOODS FOR A MONTH STRAIGHT!" You yelled, causing everyone to immediately of into a line.

You huffed out a breath of air. "Okay, everyone. Today we're going to do simple, YOGA. Simple, yoga. Okay! Nobody can make this chaotic..." you breathed out, getting mats.

------------Timeskip brought to you by Romeo x Dave-----


how is hells name, is that fucking possible?!
You scowled, then inhaled a deep breath, turning to the campers. "E-everyone go to their tents, okay? It's getting late.." you sighed, looking down.
The campers were mumbling something, going towards the tents.

You turned and went into the Cabin you and Max shared, sitting down at the office chair and looking down at the photos. What Evers happened to it all??

You untied the bandana, the revealed to be a camp Camp shirt. You sighed and looked at the first photo you had taken, noticing a small detail. (When this above was the biggest reference and stolen part form the Camp Camp season 1)

Max was smiling. Tears welled up as you stared at the photos. "He won't care.... Max always leaves Camp at one point during the days and probably comes back drunk. Hell, I wouldn't know! He fucking comes back when I'm sleeping!" You ranted, standing up and pacing.

You sighed, walking voter to the bed and sitting down. You dragged out your suitcase and grabbed the photo album, a small tradition you and Nikki had until you had to leave.
You skimmed through, stopping at 15. "15years...?" You began to read the journal entry.

"Everyone here in camp is awesome as always! Especially Max (By; (Y/N)!) I mean, he seems better now that he lives with Gwen and David at Camp.
I love it here and everyone's still here, I mean besides Ered, who sadly left after 14.
I mean sure, we've all aged up a bit and some of us dye sour hair like Neil! He made it darker, just for some fucking dramatic effect?

It's still fluffy, just like Max's. Nikki and I had finally tamed a wolf and named her Savage. I know, weird.
But she's pretty cool, I mean it's not as scary as it sounds! We got hit at least five times and scratched seventeen! So, not that bad," you paused to chuckled at your obliviousness, "but apart from all this, I guess I'm glad to have my friends. David, Gwen, Nikki, Neil and especially Max. His sarcasm and rage is hilarious! He can always make me smile in the darkest of times or somehow make the situation worse for the better. Overall he's an amazing person, and I pray to myself he won't leave camp when he has the chance...

He hasn't tried escaping since we were 13 and got back into Muffin Tops. That shit was fucking scary.
Anyways! That's all for today's entry, tomorrow I'll talk about what happened that day! Bye future Nikki and (Y/N)!"
You bit your lip and slid the case and book back under you bed, laying down and turning to the wall. "Heh, I'm still....weird...right..?" You mumbled and drifted off to sleep.

Little did you know, Max was standing by the door and went unnoticed. Now he felt guilty, for leaving camp... for leaving this place.

For leaving you.

Max stepped in, setting the bags of goods from David and Gwen down. He walked over to your sleeping g figure, kissing your arm and walking over to his bed and tried to sleep.

He can fix it.

Because you were Together through it all.




Also, everyone next chapter is going to be a sad one may have a part two to this and the next one. Thanks for staying

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