Chapter 10- Things You Can't Outrun

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MacKenzie's POV

I had my head on Barry's shoulder, so I didn't know when we were in the accelerator, but wen we stopped for awhile, I figured we reached it.

I held onto Barry tighter as Caitlin began to talk.

"He saved so many lives that day." Caitlin says in a breakable voice. "And no one will ever know what he did."

"I do." Barry says, walking over to Caitlin, still holding my small body. "He was a hero." Barry tells her.

"I didn't want him to be a hero. I wanted him to be my husband." Caitlin says tearing up and at that, I was sobbing into Barry's shoulder. Barry hugged Caitlin and she hugged him and me.

"Barry, Caitlin, Mack. You down there?" Cisco's voice says through the intercom, breaking up the hug. "You gotta come look at this."

Caitlin and Barry leave, with me still in his arms and go to Cisco in the cortex.

"Hey, check this out." Cisco says. Barry puts me on the computer desk and then walks over to Cisco with Caitlin behind him. They talk about the molecular model and stuff like that.

I wasn't really paying attention to the science stuff. I was paying attention to something else.

I was paying attention to a picture that I've kept in my pocket ever since I woke up and learned about Ronnie. It was just a picture of me and him on his first day at STAR labs. I couldn't have been more than 7 or 8 years old when he started working here. The picture was of the two of us in front of the STAR labs sign outside, me in Ronnie's arms and put on his hip for the picture. We were both smiling and carefree in that picture, and world was over, cause my brother was gone.


Apparently while I was in my own little world of memories, Barry stopped the bad evil gas guy and they put him in the accelerator.


Caitlin, Cisco, Dr. Wells and I were down in the accelerator and it was the first time I was down here without Barry carrying me in. Of course that only happened once, but I was still scared.

So, while they talked, I looked around at the walls and the blast door that Ronnie has sat at before he died.

"Caitlin, Mack. Can I talk to you guys for a second." Cisco says after Dr. Wells leaves.

"Sure. What's up?" Caitlin asks.

"It's about the night that Ronnie died." Cisco says and I look down. "I..."

"Look," Caitlin says. "Cisco, I'm okay. I thought coming down here would undo me, but thinking about what Ronnie did to protect us, it just made me love him more." I wipe the tears from my eyes as she says this.

"What about you, Mack?" Cisco asks cautiously.

"I'm...working on it. I don't know when I'll stop crying over him, but I know that he's watching me from heaven." I tell Cisco, tears falling from my eyes as I look up. "I love him. That's all that matters now."

"Now come on." Caitlin says. "I need ice cream, or a drink. Let's see which one we hit first." Cisco smiles and they leave as I stay in the accelerator.

"I love you Ronnie." I say.

I kneel down next to the blast door he died at and prayed for hours.

The thing I can't outrun is my love for Ronnie. 

It will always be there.

Just like the hole in my heart. 

But it's healing. 

And I love Ronnie with my healing heart. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------That chapter was a little late and short, but I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and comment. Next chapter up by Thursday. 


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