Chapter 56- Grodd Lives

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MacKenzie's POV

Barry, Caitlin and Cisco were walking through the hallway and into the cortex. I was already sitting on the big desk.

"I just got a call from Joe." Barry says. "The Central City Gold Reserve is about to transport $300 million in good bars to their Coast City vault. Singh told Joe they think the man in the mask is gonna make a play for it."

"Okay, but we still don't know if he's responsible for those weird images you saw." Caitlin says.

"How are they transporting the gold?" Cisco asks.


"An ice cream truck." I say, looking at the computer screen of the surveillance footage of the streets.

"Woah, the truck just got hit by a land mine." Cisco says as we hear an explosion.

"Is Joe Okay?" Barry frantically asks, speeding to the truck.

"We don't know yet." Caitlin says.

Barry had caught the thief and found out that it was General Eiling.

We're standing in front of Eiling's cell, and he was just kinda....staring, not doing anything.

"What is wrong with him?" Barry asks.

"I pulled a bullet out of his shoulder." Caitlin says.

"Which should hurt like hell." Joe says.

"And it didn't even seem like he felt it." Caitlin says.

"Weird." I say.

"I did a compete body scan and otherwise General Eiling is perfectly healthy." Caitlin says.

"So why is he just stand there like a robot?" Joe asks.

"I just got off the phone with Argus." Cisco says, walking in. "Officially, Eiling is on administrative leave."

"Unofficially?" Joe asks.

"I spoke with Diggle's wife, Lyla, and she said Eiling's been missing for the past three months and Argus is covering up for it." Cisco says.

"Makes sense." Barry says. "Last time I saw the General was when Ronnie and I broke Professor Stein out of that military facility. I'm sure they're covering that up too."

"So where has he been since then?" Joe asks. "General Eiling, Why were you trying to rob the gold reserve?" Joe asks loudly.

"Maybe he's in some kind of trance?" Caitlin suggests.

"General, do you remember me?" Barry asks.

"Flash." Eiling says in a very deep voice.

"Woah. How does he know you're the Flash?" Joe asks.

"I don't know." Barry says, looking around. "General—"

"Eiling not here." Eiling says. "Eiling bad."

"Maybe it's some kind of psychotic break presenting itself as dissociative identity disorder." Caitlin suggests.

"I dunno...." I trail off.

"Caitlin. Mack." Eiling's deep voice says and I take a step back so I'm hidden behind Barry a little.

"Caitlin good." Eiling says.

"Oh, uh, thank you?" Caitlin says.

"Mm. Forget multiple personalities." Cisco says. "You guys have seen The Exorcist, right?"

"You and your movies." Joe says.

"Keep talking to him. He seems to respond to you." Joe tells Barry.

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