Chapter 6 // Good feeling

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 It was a sunny day out as i strolled to Sam's via Sally's to get us a coffee, i texted Sam: picking up a coffee, you want? he replied as if he has been waiting by his phone: sure ill have what you're having. 

 I carried a coffee in each hand and my little black board under my arm as i was unable to skate without free hands, it was only a 4 or 5 minute walk though so i was ok. Approaching Sam's house i saw a big black SUV in the driveway i hadn't noticed before, was it Sam's? I knocked on the door and he opened it wide with a huge grin spreading across his face, he pulled me into a hug as if he'd missed me and i hugged him back as if i'd missed him too, friendly though. I thought about his smile and started smiling myself 

'who's ride?' i asked pulling away and gesturing towards the flashy SUV that sat behind us


'seriously?' i couldn't picture cute little Sam driving the car

'why, don't you believe me?' he laughed inviting me in

'its not that i don't believe you i just can't picture you driving that thing,'

'it's quite new i suppose i haven't even gotten used to it.' he changed the subject 'So, what'd you want to do today?' 

'anything's good with me, i could eat soon though.' i said handing him his coffee

'thanks,' he thanked me and took a sip 'sweet.' he said grimacing at the amount of sugar in the coffee but took more sips and got used to it. 'same actually, wanna go grab a bite to eat somewhere?'

'sure, where shall we go?'

'up to you,' he looked at me and smiled. We agreed to order in'n'out and eat on the beach. He grabbed a red penny board from behind the sofa and walked out the door, i followed with mine in hand and closed the door behind us. At the end of the path Sam stopped and placed his board on the ground, he looked from me to my penny 'how good are you exactly?' he smirked, challenging me. 

'better than you..' i joked

'is that a challenge?'

'it could be' i answered putting my board down and placing a foot on it,

'3..2..1...' Sam counted down 'Go!' he shouted. 

 I kicked off with my other foot and skated down the middle of the empty road as fast as i could, sam was pretty much going the same speed as me, until, however, he attempted to skate over a drain and fell to the ground landing on his butt, his board rolling out from under him. I stopped it from rolling into the main road and looked at Sam on the ground, i tried to hold back my laughter but when i looked at Sam in hysterics, crying with laughter, i couldn't help but let it all out. Soon enough i was crouching on the ground where Sam sat. I looked at him still laughing and admired the crinkles by his dark brown eyes, his big smile and red cheeks. He must have noticed me looking because he calmed down and looked at me, 

'what?' he said quizzically 

'nothing.' i smiled at the ground, 'that was funny,'

'hurt though!' he said standing up brushing some gravel off his butt, he held out his hand to help me up and i took his firm grip pushing off the ground with my other hand.

'thanks,' i thanked him and handed him his board, he slung it under his arm and i copied, assuming he wasn't risking skating again yet after his fall. 'good call.' he laughed and we walked.

 In in'n'out me and Sam both ordered a cheese mac and soda, we got some share fries too. It wasn't a long walk to the beach, when we got there we sat on the sand cross legged facing each other with the food separating us. We talked in between bites about Sam's good friends; Kian he said was his best friend, then there were the others, Jc, Ricky, Connor and Trevor who was a little younger but Sam said fit in with the group like he was the same age. He told me how 4 of his friends lived together in one of the houses near the hills a 10 minute walk away from Sam's. His friends seemed pretty awesome. He asked me about my friends and i told him about my roommate Hollie, my best friend Callie and how it was always kind of just us three and that i didn't really have too many friends. I didn't mind my own company most of the time. Sam agreed.

After we ate Sam chucked the food wrappers aside and layed down on the white sand with his hand behind his head. 

'that cloud looks like a unicorn.' he told me pointing to a cloud. I layed beside him keeping a safe distance and looked to where he was pointing,

'it looks like a rabbit?'

'how does it look like a rabbit? its a unicorn!'

'well clearly it's a rabbit,' i argued pointing out the rabbit cloud's ears, body and tail which made it a rabbit. 

'wait, we're looking at different clouds!' there was a moment of silence when i tried to decide weather he was right, then i saw the unicorn standing opposite the rabbit.

'oh yeah! they're opposite,' i exclaimed. We laughed together at how stupid and clique we seemed, and it was stupid and clique, but it felt so right to sit there just hanging out with Sam, laughing and being idiots. We made good friends, it felt like i'd known him longer than i had.

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