Girls can Fight!

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I woke up with a headache... I forgot to change my clothes, I didn't drink any water before bed. I looked a mess. I sat up and walked over to my wardrobe changing out of my dress the night before into my armour. I got up and walked over to my wash bucket pulling my hair out of the way of my face. I washed my face and finally walked down stairs. I still didn't know how I was going to get into the Denvorn castle. I got to the end of the stairs and thanked the lady giving her some money. I walked out of the inn to the stables and hooked my horse pack onto Bowrider. Soon I was traveling along the path toward Denvorn Castle.


"Reason to be here?" One of the guards questioned.

"You idiot she's in armour... she is here for the tournament." The other guard said opening the gates. The other one grunted telling me I could go through, I trotted through the gates and into the palace gardens, eventually stopping to give Bowrider to the palace stables. I heard cheering coming from the other side of the stables so I walked around and came along the, what so called, training grounds for the tournament. When I walked over to the area and the whole crowd stopped and looked at me...

"Am I creating an intrusion?" I questioned. No one answered me. I asked the question again:

"N-no it's just your a girl..." one of the men said. I looked down at my body and then back at them.

"Your point?" They all shrugged and kept talking around each other. I walked over to the sword racks and found a sword that was skilfully made. The weight was perfect and the blade was straight. It glided through the air like cutting cake or grass. Easy...

"Listen up ladies..." I heard a voice and saw everyone hurry into a line. I followed and kept my head down. Hoping my gender would not affect my chances of getting information. The man walked up and down us.

"You are all here to try out to be my best worrier, and as I look at you all I see I have a lot of work to do. This tournament will not only depend on your skills, but also how strong you are at hiding your feelings on the battle field." He said, I didn't dare look up, knowing that it might be the end of my chance. But I then noticed he stopped in front of me.

"A girl? Looks like there are ladies..." He said, I didn't move. "What makes you think you are strong enough to be here." This boiled my blood but I still didn't move. "Shouldn't you be at home miss?" The whole crew of men laughed. Now that ticked me off. Girls are strong and sometimes stronger then men. And so I lifted my head.

"Shouldn't you be lazing your ass around?" I said, but shut my mouth quick. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Asher... but he had the royal plate on, he had a crown on, he... he-.

"Prince Asher! Will you let her speak to you like that" his adviser butted in. But Asher didn't look at all upset but only amused. That's why he needed to run last night, he needed to get away from the guards. I saw him smirk making me blush.

"I'll let it slide..." he said not taking his eyes off me. I didn't notice until now that all the other men where looking at us. I blushed harder in embarrassment and went back to keeping my head down.

"As you all know war is upon us, the King of Thornton has a deadly army waiting behind his gates, get in pairs, this will be your training partner." Asher finished, I looked around to see all the men in pairs and wondered who would be my partner...

"Looks like you with me" Asher said with a smirk, Lord help me with those blue eyes. He offered his hand but I did not accept, I walked over to the sword rack and picked out the sword from earlier.

"I hope you can use a sword." He said. He pulled his sword out and did some tricks with it, flipping it over and under. But I did the same thing...But better.

"Try me" I said with a smirk. He looked surprised.

"Your training starts know, keep sword fighting until you have no breath." He cried to the men not taking his eyes off me. I felt my heart melt under his gaze. No don't think like that! I shouldn't be, he's my enemy at war. Right?.

"Let's hope girls can fight!" He said, he knew he was teasing me but his gaze wasn't mean it was soft like the night before.

He took me by surprise flying the sword at me, I luckily blocked it and did the same thing.

"Why did you not tell me you where a prince last night?"

I swirled my sword around making him loose his grip.

"Be honest here Rose would you dance with me if I was?"

I kicked his sword out of his hands and spun around making him fall to the ground.

"No probably not but Asher!" I got on top of him with my sword at his throat.

"I was this close to kissing you last night!"

"You where saying?" he said leaning upward on his elbows. His smirk killed me but I loved it. I tried to get up but he stopped me:

"Where do you think your going? Don't you think we could try and finish what happened, I saw you enter that pub and I instantly knew you where different!"

"By different you mean not a girl who stays at home and clean the dishes? Oh well yes, but a girl who flirts with princes? You have the wrong girl. let me go..." I said and he laughed,

"I know you loved last night." He finished he let me go but touched my thighs making blush. Then I noticed the whole crew of men where looking at us. There was a long silence.

"How did you do that with your sword? your a girl!" One if them said. He walked over to me threading me. "Get out of the grounds this is for boys only!" He roared.

"Well then you will fit right in, as you are only a boy... not a man yet" I finished patting his shoulder and walked away from him to put my sword back. He stormed back to the castle, probably to his room. Still everyone was looking at me.

"Drinks on me?" I said and they all relaxed and cheered.

"I'll join." Asher said. Prince Asher! "Oh and by the way!" He threw a sack at me, " I believe I owe you 10... I keep my word." He winked at me and walked off leaving me heart struck.

He's my enemy and and I can feel myself falling for him every second...

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