The Battle pt 1.

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I woke up, and the first thing that came to my head was the night before. I looked over to Asher, who had his eyes wide open. I moved closer to him and he moved his gaze to me.

"What are you doing awake?" He smiled.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing." I said picking up his hand and kissing it. I felt him turn his body over and he got on top of me. He kissed me softly of the lips and carried down to my neck and chest. I moaned again at his kisses.

"We have training..." I said to him through moans.

"I know...

"You have to be there."

"I know..."

"I have to get dressed and ride back to my room at the inn."

"I know..." he sighed he returned his face to me and kissed my cheek. I traced his jaw line and his body with my fingers.

"Your teasing me..."

"Yes I am" I Reply.

"You better run..."

"Or what?" I wrapped my hands around his neck.

"Or... I will eat your body, bit by bit, and make you moan my name over and over and over again." I felt my heart beat faster and my breath quicken. I slid out of his grip and off the bed. I got in my dress from the night before, making sure he was watching. I walked back to him and gave him a kiss.

"I will see you in half an hour..." and with that I walked out the door and down the stairs to the stables.

"Hello Bowrider..." I said to him patting his back. I get on him and make my way back to the inn...


"Welcome back ladies to your final day of training for the tournament. Today we will be in our pairs. You will continue to fight each other and comment on each other's technique. Any questions?" Asher boomed. He looked around to see if any hands where raised except none did so we continued with our training. Today wasn't my best day as I was in some pain from the night before. When we were in our pairs I pretended not to have any pain but it was no use.

"Your in pain?" Asher said circling me.

"P-pain? No..."

"You are lying" he cooed in my ear with a smile on his face.

"Ok so I have a little pain, but it's nothing else." I replied, he laughed at this and took my hand for a moment.

"Good, because if you weren't, I would leave these grounds with you and make sure you where..." he said sending shivers down my spine. It's not like I didn't mind that idea although.

"I'll go easy on you..." he said walking backward so we were some distance apart. I rolled my eyes at him, making him laugh.


"Well how's that for pain?" I said pinning Asher down.

"Eh... I've seen better." He said smiling. Playful furry went through my mind.

"Why you little-"

"SIRE!" One of the servants shouted running over to us. Interrupting OUR training. I quickly got off Asher and pulled him up."Sire... King Thornton has his army charging toward us as we speak. He claims you have the princess held hostage!" My eyes widened as I heard the words. I kind of knew Olivia would spill. My world went fuzzy and my head felt as if it where going to roll off. I looked up and saw Asher looking at me with wide eyes. Then back at the servant. I ran down the training field toward the stables, my heart was pounding and my legs where burning but I didn't care. I got to bow rider and jumped on him. I was about to bolt when:

"Where are you going?" Asher said grabbing my hand.

"I am going to hand myself over to my father and give you more time to prepare, you are not ready for a battle yet! You didn't even complete the tournament!"

"I don't care Rose I would loose a fight for you!" My heart melted with love as I leaned down to give him a kiss. He deepened the kiss gently groaning into my mouth. He knew he couldn't stop me, and as I pulled away he nodded his head.

"I love you..."

"I love you." He some what confirmed. "I will pack your things at the inn and bring them here, they will await for your return. And so will I." I smiled at him and kissed his forehead one last time. I galloped off out of sight from the castle and into the woods. I traveled for 1 day and soon came across my father and his army.


The whole army gasped to see me I front of theirs eyes, but in mine I was filled with anger. I walked past them all and into the royal tent where I found my father, surrounded by other knights planning their next move. The hole table looked up from where I was standing.

"Rose my dear..." My father said just above a whisper.

"Yes father..." I said with a stern voice, the group of knights left the tent. My father walked toward me and touched my arm but I flinched at his fingers.


"Father I advise you to turn your army back!" I said looking him in the eye. He looked shocked but then his face narrowed.

"What has changed your mind? You hated the Denvorn family. You go and run off without my permission, and then you pretend to be a guard at their palace. YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!"

"BUT I AM HERE NOW AM I NOT?" I almost laughed. "I am here now, safe in your camp... I met the king... I met the princ-"

"The prince? THE PRINCE?!"

"Yes father the prince!" He laughed at my words, and walked over to me. He through me down to the ground and walked out of the tent.

"Guard her with your life, she is not my daughter!" I heard him say to the guards. I felt tears in my eyes form and my heart beat faster. I longed for Asher to wrap his arms around me, for him to hold me and to kiss every inch of my body. For him to play with my hair and lift me into the sky as we dance. For him to chase me. For him to make love to me. Tears where spilled that night, and yet the tears where not of happiness of me be reunited with my father. But tears of sadness of how I missed my beloved. That night I knew that King Thornton my father, never truly was a father to me.

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