(61) Whats Your Problem?

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"ROSS WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?!" I now yelled with my kids in the car. Shor looked terrified and I could tell by the little hiccups Vivi was doing she was going to cry. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AND CONCENTRATE ON THE RODE!" Ross yelled.

I wanted to cry myself. Why is he being such a dick? I feel like I did something. Until some fucking idiot decides he wants to cut infront of me.

And with that.

I couldn't see a thing. I didn't wake. I began to see the whites in my eyes. I looked into his soul. He lied. He kissed her, he slept with her. I just had a feeling. Everything came crashing down at once.

I was laying in a hospital bed. Next to Ross. With some look in his eye, "She's awake!" my mom ran over to me. "What are you talking about? Do I even know you?" I said. I saw my moms eyes fill with water and fear. "I-I gave bi-rt-hh to y-ou." She stutters.

I regained that and the whole children part. But who was this man? Trying to kiss me? Watching me when I was sleeping.

Were my children okay?

"Who is him?" I pointed like a two year old. "That's your husband Ross." she smiled. "WHERE'S MY CHILDREN I NEED TO SEE THEM!" I shouted easily crying. "Don't worry! There fine, their with your dad and Garret. Calm down princess." Mom reassured me.

I saw a tall blonde lady with lots of makeup and a doctors outfit on.

I guess she was the nurse.

"Oh Hi Natalie, how are you feeling?" she asked. "I'm okay, I'm kinda clueless, I have some thought." I pouted. "Sweetie you'll get your memory all back in a couple of days. You weren't in a coma it was nothing serious, you just passed out and blanked and you have a broken foot, you'll be fine and if you have issues or questions call us? Okay? But other than that your free to go," The nurse continued.

My mom held me up while I tryed to walk.

She didn't look like a druggy or a crackhead for once.

I held my foot up on the crutches while I walked. "So who's this guy again?" I asked "That is your husband, you have two beautiful babies together," she smiled and drove us home. "Thank you mom!" I thanked "Anytime sweetie,"

"So," I broke the silence. "Can you tell me what's your problem now?" I asked. I did remember alot, just stupid things I forgot. Like Ross' name.

"I don't know, I'm pissed because we never have special/alone time together anymore. Remember I told you I wanted 3 children? I want to accomplish that dream while I'm young. I'm going to be 24." He said. "I thought you forgot everything?"

"Nah, I kinda faked that. But baby, we can have alone time, always, it's not that hard. I can get people to watch the kids and we can do things. And don't get toooo crazy over the third child. I'm not quite ready I have a 1 year old already, hold off on baby making, so are we alright now?" I asked.

"Of course." he nodded.

I sat on top of his lap. My chest facing his. "I miss us." He whispered rubbing my thigh, twirling my hair, biting his lip. "Your such a turn on," I laughed.

"Mhmmmm. I heard that billion of times before." he groaned.

I wasn't quite ready for "alone" time again. What if I have another unexpected pregnancy? I can't afford more troubles. Ross and I have been constantly fighting, I just don't want that stuff anymore.

And our baby just turned one, how many kids does he want now? A one year old and a five year old isn't good enough?

I had fell asleep, quietly on the couch, waking up to a knock on my door. "Aaah! What now?" I groaned looking through the peep hole. "Oh hey dad, thanks for taking them! It means alot! Did they behave?" I asked "Actually, yes, Jor, I mean Shor, was playing with Garret all night, Viviana passed out (fell asleep xD) they weren't pain at all," he said.

"How's your head?" he asked

"Actually I'm doing a lot better thank you for asking," I smiled, "I need to give you money, here's fifty! Keep it dad, but I gotta get going Ross wants me to go somewhere with him and the kids, thanks though!"

"Not a problem, bye pumpkin, bye blondey, bye chubby, bye princess," dad laughed, "See ya!"



Sorry for a short update,

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I'm glad to see everyone commenting and I've been seeing "____ has added your book to their reading list," thank you loves, keep making me happy,

It took me long to update because my grandfather, I'm not gonna know how to say goodbye in a few weeks, I'm so down, I've been getting bullied and shit, but I won't let anything bother me. I just won't talk to anyone.

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Released : May 2nd, 2014

12:00 am

©opyrights all go to me, I write everything in my own words, my own brain.

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