Chapter 13

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Nora paced around her room, phone in her hand. Peter's number flashed on her screen, in an attempt to call her. She hadn't picked up for the past three calls, and she knew that he was getting worried. 

A lot had passed since their last meeting. She was still trying to take in everything that was happening, and the pest in the corner of her room didn't help one bit. 

"You read this? What even is this book about?"

"I've already told you, it's a good book. And it's not what it even looks like." She glared. 

"They have way  better books on Asgard. you should come some time." Loki snickered, tossing the book across Nora's room. "Besides, what is even keeping you here? The fact that you want to save everyone? How pathetic.

"Loki, just because you want to rule the world, doesn't mean that you need to be a jerk about it. I know what I'm doing." 

"Do you?" He sneered. "You don't even know if you've screwed up time- Remember the rules of time travel? 'Don't change anything'. How many times do I have to tell you?" he got up from his seat and walked over to Nora. "Or do I need to convince you in other ways?" 

Nora pushed Loki away from her, and walked over to her balcony. 

"You don't control me, Loki. Get out of my room." She hissed. "Get out of my head." 

"I'm not in your head, darling." He stalked over to her, and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I'm in so many more places than that." He removed his hand. "I am a God. I know all things." 

"Sounds like Jesus. Are you Jesus now?" Nora asked, enjoying Loki's face turning a bright red. 

"I am not that puny so-called Jesus that you worship! Do not compare me to him!" 

"Actually, I'm atheist-" Nora started, before being pushed up against the wall. Loki's body was pressing into hers, and his hands were wrapped around her throat. Nora choked, trying to peel his hands away from her. "Let go..." She whimpered out. 

"I am in control." He squeezed harder, and started to lift her up off the ground. "You will never  be able to leave me." Letting go of  Nora, she dropped to the ground, gasping for air.  She looked up to see Loki, standing over her, a wicked smile hanging over his face. 

" you want?" She got out.

"I need a favour." 


Yep. It's that time again. I must leave you for an undesignated amount of time whilst I write the new chapter and think about life. 

Sorry for spelling errors, I don't have an editor and I can't spell check. Also I'll hopefully update again soon. 



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