My Character: Willow

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Name: Willow

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Name: Willow

Species: Siren

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Appearance: At first glance, Willow is easily mistaken for a pretty woman. His body is slight and frail, and he's only about 5'4. His hair is a soft grey, and falls a little past his shoulders, usually tied back in a loose braid. His eyes are also very large and grey, wide-set and rimmed by long, feathery silver lashes. His skin has a dewy glow to it, almost as though the moon illuminated him at all times, and of course he has the trademark transparent webs between his fingers and toes, and delicately veined fin ears. 

Personality: For someone who has never known anything but slavery, Willow seems surprisingly uncorrupted by the harsh life he's undoubtedly led, at least on the surface. There's a sort of purity to him, and an almost childish naivety. He often seems unaware of all the conflicts and turmoil happening around him. Any sort of resistance the boy might have had to taking orders or to hard labour was crushed long ago, and he obeys willingly, performing any task he's given with careful attention and a fairly obliging attitude. Resisting, after all, would cause conflict, and if there's anything Willow fears, it's that. He's not the type to openly pick fights; in fact, he actively avoids them. His displeasure manifests more through passive aggressive behaviours. 

Willow is neither brave nor strong, and he knows it, which is why there's a part of him that always seems to need a protector, whether it's his sister or a master he's won over with his innocence and charm. The boy possesses that particular quality some people do, that sort of attractive frailty that brings out the most protective and parental instincts in people, and he doesn't hesitate to take full advantage of that. Willow has a tendency to become very clingy with his protectors, constantly showering them with servile affection even when they might not want it. He also is prone to bursts of jealousy, though he'd never show them to his idol's face. 

Beneath his surface sweetness, however, there are hints that all may not be quite well. Every once in a while, Willow experiences moments of brief destructiveness, that seem to stem from some kind of panic. The victims of these might just be a broken vase, or mouse  or bug he steps on, small incidents like that, with no apparent motive to anyone outside. But the reason that Willow always gives after these incidents is that the objects were "dangerous," that they could have hurt someone he loved. 

Backstory: Willow and his twin, Cressida, were taken from their parents at a very young age, only about three or four. He has almost no memories of either of them, except some of the songs his mother used to hum to him at night. Since then he's been the property of multiple different lords and ladies, some kind, and some not, until finally the two were sold to the royal family. He's spent the past couple years working as a domestic slave in the castle, carrying out many of the most menial chores, since his delicate build has prevented him from holding any higher ranking position, since those usually constitute military services of some sort or other (except for those lucky ones who land a position as a lord or lady's personal slave). 

In this transient life, the only constant has been his sister. He's clung to her like the sea clings to the shore, and though he often feels pangs of jealousy at her outranking him, at the end of the day he'll never sleep unless it's nestled in her arms. The two have a bond that cannot be broken by anything, not even each other. 

Other: This is kind of how I imagine his voice (yes, I like vocaloid). 

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