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HELLO!! I'm extremely excited to finish my books and start on my other ideas + an idea a friend I met on Tumblr had! They're great, I promise!

This day was different. It was Wednesday, the day after that play date Tyler was so opposed of.

The idea of having to do things kids did was a huge no-no for Tyler, it amused the others.

Anyway, this was the day the meeting was taking place.

"Where the fuck are you dumbasses taking me?"

"HEY! Evan and Luke aren't dumbasses!"

Oh and they also brought little Delirious along as well. He looked adorable with his little pastel purple flower crown.

"Look, will you calm down and wait till we get there?" Luke would've slapped Tyler if it wasn't for the fact that he's been waiting for this meeting, this encounter, to happen.

"I'm not going to fucking calm down until you fucking tell me where you shits are taking me!" In a cartoon, anyone would be able to see the smoke practically flowing out of the tall males' ears.


"Just shut up and keep walking."

"Yes, Del?"

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Where are we going?"

"Listen here you fucking-"

"No! You listen-"

"You'll see, Delirious, you'll see."

When he saw where they were going, he couldn't hold in his excitement. Who wouldn't be happy when you're at a place surrounded with Teddy bears!

"TEDDY BEARS!" Jonathan ran into the shop and started to gush over the many different styled stuffed animals and even the many choices for making one.

"Why the fuck am I at a kids place?" In Tyler's eyes, it was ridiculous. Why in the world would they bring him to a Build-A-Bear workshop?

"Evan." Luke didn't have to say anything else, Evan knew exactly where he had to be; making sure Delirious didn't make a mess.

"I thought I heard the obnoxious sound of your voice."

"That's why you're here." Luke smiled having a hint of mischievousness behind it.

"For a girl? You brought me here...for a girl?" The way he said it made the situation sound pointless. He definitely thought Luke had lost his marbles now.

"Not for her but to simply put her in her place."

The girl stood there, looking from Tyler to Luke seeming bored with the conversation as she chewed on her gum rather loudly with her mouth wide the fuck open.

While this was going on, Evan and Jonathan were off looking at sweaters for the tiny stuffed bears.

"Oh! Evan look! Isn't it adorable?!" Evan would be lying if he said no because the small piece of clothing was indeed adorable.

"Yes it is, it's very adorable." But the meaning behind his answer wasn't for the sweater that Jon was referring to.

It was for the smaller male standing in front of him with a huge smile that made him look a thousand times more attractive.

"Hey Evan?" Suddenly the tone of his voice changed to a sad one.

"What's wrong Jon?" He was beyond worried at this point, Jonathan looked like a sad puppy who was abandoned by his mother.

Flower CrownsWhere stories live. Discover now