🌸Let Me Know🌸

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Jonathan, oh poor baby.

It wasn't his fault, he was the victim of his own mind.

See, Delirious has been all in his thoughts lately, especially after Evan was kidnapped. He didn't know whether Evan being kidnapped or the thought of what the future holds for them was what triggered his thoughts but he knew very well that he was very scared.

It's what led them to this very moment.

"Jon, Come on, come out please" Evan has been standing outside of Jon's bedroom door for about an hour, at least he thinks so, he hasn't really checked.

"No, Evan. I just want to be alone right now." And Evan understood but he knew better than to leave his little flower baby alone.

"But why? Whatever it is, I can help, let me be your knight in shining armor again." (Wish I had one of those) This has been going on for a while and Jon can conclude that the more Evan talks to him, the more he'll think of the many possibilities.

What possibilities might you ask?

It was the possibilities that the future will bring them nothing but bad times, he was afraid that the future was going to take what he loved from him, he was afraid to be alone.

Like everyone else, Jon breaks. He hurts, he gets lost and he cries his heart out. He loves hard. But people judge based on looks, he was that little flower princess who sat on that lonely hill with flowers and the sun shining down on it. He was the fairy tale book princess who obliviously sat on that hill waiting for his knight to come trotting towards him to show him what love outside the hill was.

And for a while, he fell for the little fairy tale people made him out to be. This time it's different.

"You can't help me, you c-can't."

"Jon, please." 


"Mini, do you really think you can fit through there?" Tyler snorts laughing at the smaller male, it wasn't everyday you saw a guy with pink hair try to fit through a contraption made for kids. Maybe it was a bit dramatic...It wasn't actually a contraption but a play thing for kids, Tyler couldn't tell. 

"Shut the fuck up, I wanted to see if I could!" 

"Good job Tyler,  you upset the child." These days Luke was off hanging out with Craig more often. No one knew when it started and no one dared question it. Reason being because if you even tried to mention it, Luke would get all defensive.

"Fuck you, you both are twats." He stood up rolling his eyes and dusted whatever dirt managed to get attached to his clothes. It was no secret that he was beyond annoyed with the two men. He made no effort to try and hide it either.

"Aw is the shorty mad~" It was a game, a game Tyler and Luke both liked to play. They wanted to see who could make Craig the angriest in just the time span of five minutes. They wanted to go for less knowing that Mini lost his temper quickly but decided against it seeing as it wouldn't be fun.

"Tyler" They were right when they said he lost his cool quickly because he was now glaring at the giant.

"You're cute when you're angry, it's like watching a midget get mad." Luke wanted to just smile but he couldn't help the smirk on his face.

"Whatever, let's get Jon his present."

They were certainly surprised when five minutes passed and Craig hadn't lashed out on them.


"What if you leave me? What if someone takes you away from me?" At this point Jon was a crying mess on the other side of the door.

"Why would you say that, baby? I wouldn't leave you and no one is taking me away from you." It hit Evan like a truck when he realized Jon was still shaken up about the kidnapping. He knew just how to help his lovely boyfriend.

"It happened once, i-it can happen again."

"I won't let it happen this time, Jon, please let me in." He put his hand flat against the door, hoping to hear the light footsteps of his baby come near the door, but they didn't.

"Evan, please." It hurt Evan to hear the broken cries come from Delirious, it made his heart hurt.

"Jonathan, let me in or I'll be forced to get Luke." As soon as Evan said that the door was wide open with a small teary eyed Jonathan standing in front of him, not to mention he almost fell on top of Jon due to leaning on the door.

"D-Don't get Luke..." Jon loved Luke, he was his brother from another mother but sometimes when it came to Jon being sad, Luke took it way too serious and it scared Jon. You can't blame him though, Luke cared so much for Jonathan.

"Fine, I won't." What Evan did had Jon giggling like a little school girl. He had picked Jon up and put him over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" 

"Not a chance, I won't put you down until you tell me what's bothering you."

"I don't want to lose you, I don't want to be alone.." At this Evan frowned, saddened by his precious boy's thoughts. So what he did was lock his lips with the older's ones, the soft pinkish lips that belonged to Jonathan. Oh how he would never get tired of the sweet taste of his lips.

Unfortunately, he had to pull away.

"Jon, you'll never be alone as long as you have me and the guys, I will never leave you and you'll never lose me." Jonathan loved times like these, times where Evan would hold his face and caress his cheeks with his thumb.

"Okay, okay, Thank you." He smiles a very cute dimpled smile, making Evan's heart melt at the sight.

"Oh, I almost forgot, come with me!" It confused Jon, he didn't know why Evan was so excited all of a sudden but he still obeyed nonetheless.


"Downstairs, I have to show you something." But it terrified him at the same time. Evan had covered his eyes, they had to go down the stairs and he couldn't see. "I'll lead you"

Walking down the stairs, with some struggle because of Delirious being scared, Evan quietly motioned for the guys to finish up.

"We almost there?" He was shaking, too scared to take the last step.

"Already here~ Take the rag off"

Upon taking his rag off, he was surprised. He wasn't expecting this at all.


"wha-" His sentence was cut short due to having lips on his for a second. He blushes and looks up at the brown eyes he so much adores.

"Happy birthday Jonathan, I love you"


Hey there! Because it's Delirious's birthday today I thought it would be good to update! I started writing down my ideas for future parts in a book because I figured I wouldn't update anything if I don't write it down. So here we go, here you go and I hope you guys like it.

:) Happy Birthday you crazy clown, I love you and wish you all the happiness in the world.



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