🌸New Ship🌸

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"Hey Mini"

"Don't fucking call me that"

"Everyone calls you that, it's your gamer tag" The male with the unique beard chuckles at the shorter male's frustration.

"You don't have permission to call me that." He crosses his arm averting his eyes somewhere other than Luke.

"Come on, Craig, don't be like that"

"Whatever, just take me to the ice cream shop."

And off they went, trying to figure out a way to the ice cream shop. Why? There actually wasn't a close ice cream shop to where they lived and they didn't really go anywhere else.

Like, they never went out further than the park. The park was a place magical to them, they never understood why but they knew that the park held many miracles.

Or, well, one can dream can't they?

No one knew how or when the two started hanging out away from the group, alone, just the two of them...actually the idea alone wasn't that ridiculous. It's only slightly ironic since the two never really talked.

The way to the ice cream shop was a bit of a toughie. They ran into a few fans, a group of guys who tried to hit on Craig and a few ladies who tried to hit on Luke.

Both were not too happy to encounter these groups. Call it jealousy, even if neither will admit it.

"What kind of Ice cream do you want?" Craig Walks through the door of the shop thanking Luke for holding the door open for him.

Such a gentleman

"Vanilla and Chocolate sounds nice." They walk towards the counter, where they saw so many flavors to choose from.

"Hello, How may I help you lovely gentlemen today?" Compared to the girl at the Build-A-Bear shop, this one was more appealing.

Well, they thought she was nicer and probably more humble. They had no clue, they just liked her better, she did have a cute smile.

That's beside the point, they ordered their ice cream and waited for the young girl to serve them. (Serve them?? Fuck, idek)

"So, where do you want to go after ice cream?" Luke thought this was the right time to make conversation. He didn't want Craig to think he was nothing but an asshole, a handsome red devil. Or, well, that's what he thinks.

"Um, we can go to the mall? I kinda wanna pull a prank on Tyler and I need things from Target." Here Luke was thinking HE was the evil one.

He still is.

"Target? What kind of prank are you pulling?" Craig watches Luke turn to take the ice cream cones from the cashier and only then does he realize how beautiful of a side profile the man has.

Again, he wouldn't admit it out loud.

"A man will never share his pranks."

"A man should definitely share his pranks." Luke laughs handing Craig his ice cream. They head out of the shop talking about Mini's plan, which by the way, sounded the slightest bit impossible to Luke. Reason being because Craig didn't look like he was capable of pulling any pranks on anyone.

Then again, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover right?

"It's gonna be great." Craig was excited, completely happy with his idea of a prank. Luke on the other hand was willing to help the boy, not because he liked being with him, but because he wanted to help prank the friendly giant.

Can they even call Tyler friendly?

Tyler was one of those guys who at first glance is a very kind and polite dude. Once you get to know him is when you realize he's an asshole, in the funniest way of course. None of their friends actually thought he was a horrible human being, they knew he was just very comedic.

All in all, Tyler loved his friends and they loved him just as much.

"Sure, if your idea is filling a bucket full of slime and dumping it on him is great then I'm on board." He honestly thought it was stupid and that they were both going to get killed.

"I couldn't tell if that was sarcasm or not."

"Maybe it was a little bit of both"

"You're an ass." They laughed walking into target looking like a very happy married couple, that's what people saw them to be.

"We need a bucket? Do they sell buckets here?"

"I don't know." Now they wished they had just went to a near by store to buy these things. Target was big, they were relatively small compared to the size of the store and they could easily get lost.

That's the first thing they did, got lost.

"Fuck me, We're never going to find what we need." Now the smaller Brit was very frustrated and for the first time it wasn't Luke's fault.

"Relax, we'll ask someone." It took them a while to find an employee but they eventually found their way.

They shared many laughs, many moments and they had to admit, the only thing they'll ever admit, is that they liked being together. They had fun, they wanted to spend some more time together to truly try to get to know each other.

For what and who they really are, it was important to them.

"Hey Luke?" For some reason he felt nervous, it was as if he knew something would happen but he wasn't ready for it. Maybe he was right.

"Yeah?" Luke wasn't expecting to come out of target with so many things. It turned out that Craig not only wanted to go to Target for supplies but for groceries as well. He didn't mind though, he was glad he could help.

"Um, I'm sorry for being such an ass to you." He couldn't help the blush that crept up on his cheeks as he slightly looked down at his feet.

"To me? I don't think you were being anything to me but a good friend." He offered the smaller a sweet smile, one that slightly showed the dimple on his cheek. Despite having such a beauty of a beard, you could still see the dimple.

"Really?" Mini hadn't seen the smile yet but once he looked up to meet Luke's gaze he couldn't really help the smile that crawled it's way on his lips.

"Yeah, I mean, you had the right to be annoyed with me, I can be an ass sometimes." They chuckle and make their way home.

The way back was easier, it was just them. They thought maybe it wasn't so bad, that they weren't so bad.

Luke walks Craig up to his door, smiling down at the cute male standing before him.

"Thanks for coming with me." Cartoonz has never heard such a cute giggle, well other than Delirious's giggle at least.

Actually now that he thought about it, all his friends had quite the cute giggle, but that was beside the point.

"No problem, you ever need me you know I'm here for you."

They shared lovely smiles, not realizing how close they were getting until their lips touched.

Man was Craig's lips the sweetest thing.

Ello~ So, I originally meant to finish and post this like a week ago but lord and behold, responsibilities and laziness kept me from finishing.

Anyway, enough excuses, I hope you guys enjoy!

I'm really trying ;-;


Stay Lovely, alive and Well~

P.S- If you guys ever need advice or someone to talk to, you can always pm me, I'll respond as soon as I can. :)

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