Overactive Mind?

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I wasn't really sure what to name this chapter? Part? However you'd like to put it.

I am currently sitting on my bed, listening to music as well as The Fairly OddParents, and smoking another bowl. Hoping that maybe I'll be able to sleep.

But it's kinda hard to sleep when you're mind keeps racing. I can't seem to focus on anything. Sleep is definitely the last thing on my mind *wink wink* (I made a funny 😂)

Normally I'm asleep by now. I'm literally in bed by midnight. Most of the time. It's 2:47 am incase anybody was wondering.

I also have yet to mention that I've been sick. Not sure if it's just allergies or if it's a cold or flu. I've been having some high temperatures. Earlier it was 100.8 F. Not super high, yet enough to make the thermometer beep differently.


I've been sick for over a week and have been having problems with my ears. They've been itchy and feeling like fluid is in them. So I figured I had an ear infection.

Turns out I was right. So now I'm on an anabiotic.

Second Update

I'm still sick. Dealing with a temperature of 99.7F for a week. Hopefully it's because of my allergies. If not y'all will find out haha.

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