my heart in a mason jar

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it was late january

snow was still in the air

blood was still on the floor

and tears were still on my cheeks.

i cried to my best friend

the one you never let me see

i told her of how i wanted to leave you

i told her of how i was scared you would hurt me if i told you

i told her of how i was scared to see your bloodied fist on my cheek again

and she just held me

i didn't expect her to know what to say

i don't expect anyone to know what to say even now

but she gave me advice 

and i told the story to my heart

the one you keep in a mason jar under your pillow

when i got home that night

you weren't there

you were off at a party with some friends

and right then and there was my chance.

i had to leave.

i couldn't do this anymore

i loved you


i couldn't do this anymore 

and so i packed

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