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 "Let him leave," Yoongi's voice was its usual self - quiet, low, but yet able to carry so far. "He has every right to." Everyone looked at the boy who had spoken. He raised his eyes from his phone calmly, the silver, yet iridescent irises reflecting the purple string lights hanging from the ceiling of Seokjin's room. "At least he understands how dangerous this all is. And he has more reason to be worried than any - most, sorry, Kookie - of us can understand. So if Joon wants to leave, then let him."

Namjoon sighed softly, then nodded appreciatively to Yoongi before leaving the room without another word. The boys in the room listened to follow his footsteps before hearing the front door quietly shut.

"You guys do realize the risk of what we are doing, right?" Yoongi asked. There were a few halfhearted murmurs in reply.

"Okay then," Yoongi said. "I guess you don't." He cleared his throat. "All communications with Korea have been blocked since the last World War because they are under the control of an absolute dictator that has a family history of being insane. The fact that this person, should he be in Korea right now, which he more than likely is, because no one has gone in or out of the country in decades, was able to get through the communication wall, says that he is extremely intelligent. On top of that, our government has considered any type of communication with Koreans as an act of treason. Which means," he gestured to the majority of the group, "that if we are caught, we end up in prison for life." His facial expression softened when he looked at Jeongguk, who was blankly staring at the ground. He paused for a moment. "But, for people that are already on the government watch lists-"

"-it's death penalty," Jeongguk finished. Everyone in the room flinched. The youngest boy raised his eyes, then took in a deep breath. "I know, Yoongi, they remind us all the time of what will happen if we ever step out of line."

"Then you should leave too, Kookie," Hoseok said in a soft voice.

The boy sighed. "It wouldn't matter." He bit his bottom lip. "Joon is just spooked. Even if he and I both had no involvement, if you guys got caught, we would still be killed. The government wants to get you rid of people like us anyway, and it'll look for any way possible."

"That's not fair," Jimin whispered, causing Jeongguk to laugh bitterly.

"Nothing in this world is fair, Jiminie, that's what makes it the world." 

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