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 They all stared at the photograph for several minutes before anything else was said. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. The boy in front of them was physically everything Japanese. (And they would know. Nearly every day during their school years they were drilled on the physical differences between Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Taiwanese people.)

Eventually, someone spoke up. "His hair is short," Hoseok muttered. Seokjin had to agree, the boy's hair was strange. It was the shortest hair they had ever seen on a man - they only saw women with hair that short.

"I wonder why," Namjoon murmured back, unconsciously tugging on his waist-length platinum-dyed hair. Seokjin did the same, running his hands through the pink hair that fell far past his shoulders.

The action reminded him of the flower petals from the park earlier that day. He shook his head to rid it of those thoughts. He needed to focus.

Seokjin put his hands back on the keyboard to type another message, but then the computer buzzed with another picture being delivered. There was a small hum from all of the boys in interest, which turned into a yell of surprise when they saw the photo that suddenly appeared. The yell of surprise was definitely deserved, though, as even when they looked closer, they couldn't deny something absolutely terrifying -

The people staring back at them from the picture were them.

A minute passed in silence.

"Well, that's hella creepy," Yoongi muttered.

Hoseok sighed in a way that those who knew him best could actually hear his eyes rolling. "You're not kidding, Yoongs."

The picture was interesting. It appeared to be taken near some sort of oceanic beach. There were seven boys in the picture, the group of Japanese boys making up six of them and Taehyung being the seventh. They were all dressed absolutely bizarrely (like street rats, to be honest, Seokjin shuttered at the thought) - nearly all of them were wearing clothes that showed their knees, which was a fashion that had completely ended after the third war. And, of course, the most jarring thing about their appearance was the fact that they all had incredibly short hair. 

"What's with the eye colors?" Jimin asked.

Hoseok jumped up next to the computer and touched the screen, causing it to zoom in on the boy that looked identical to him. He zoomed in further on the boy's eyes. "It isn't me," he said bluntly. "Unless whoever edited this photo and put us into it changed my eye color back to what it originally was. My parents had my eyes tattooed green when I was five years old." He zoomed out of the picture. "What about you guys?"

"Definitely changed mine," Namjoon said. "My eyes were tattooed silver when I was twelve."

"Wait, really?" Seokjin asked, surprised. Namjoon shrugged with a nod.

"Yeah, it was used as a punishment for me sneaking out of the house one night."

Oh. Well, then.

The original sentiment of eyes being tattooed was passed around the boys that had their eye color changed when they were too young to have had their picture taken.

It was probably an insignificant factor in the grand scheme of things if the picture was photoshopped, but it wouldn't have been an overstatement to say that a few of the boys were wondering how the person photoshopping the images knew their original eye color exactly.

"I also think that's what I looked like about three surgeries ago," Jimin piped in.

Everyone looked back at the screen, instantly scrutinizing the bodies that looked like them, much like they did to anyone they passed in their days.

Eye color was then forgotten when Taehyung wrote another message:

Kimtae: Do you guys remember this?

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