스물 셋

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After the melancholy talks of the morning in the old shack in the haunted forest, one thing that Taehyung hadn't been expecting was for when he, Jeongguk, and Namjoon were talking about one of the grotesque paintings on the wall, the two boys suddenly stopped talking and quickly looked at the door.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

Namjoon shushed him as Jeongguk walked to the window in the kitchen and glanced out, his face suddenly breaking into a smile. He slowly and quietly shut the window before shouting: "We're under attack!" and loudly singing the stereotypical battle tune.

"What?!" Taehyung yelled back, alarmed to say the least. Under attack?

"Which one's in front?" Namjoon asked, also now smiling.

"The crybaby ass little bitch!" Jeongguk yelled with a surprising amount of glee, running into the bathroom for some unknown reason.

"I was right!" Namjoon shouted, clapping his hands. "That wheezy breathing don't lie. And I've been wanting to get revenge on him for days!"

"What?" Taehyung asked again, this time in confusion. "I thought you listened to heartbeats."

Namjoon scoffed. "Well, yes, but my hearing can take in more than just that. Be realistic, Taehyung."

If Taehyung hadn't been standing in the man's own house, he could have thrown something at him.

Jeongguk came running out of the bathroom, his arms full of - Taehyung simultaneously groaned and laughed at the same time - super soaker water guns.

"Arm yourself, soldier!" Jeongguk laughed, handing one to Taehyung.

"But what if I don't want to?" he half-heartedly asked as the boy tossed another gun to Namjoon.

The platinum-haired boy shrugged. "Well, you're going to get drenched anyway. Might as well make it fun!"

"Put on a damn shirt!" Jeongguk scolded Namjoon. "Seokjin will never let us hear the end of it if they find out you're not wearing the corset!"

Namjoon raised the water gun and point-blank shot Jeongguk in the face. The boy squeaked and sputtered, making Namjoon laugh as he walked back to the bedroom area.

Taehyung smiled.

A few seconds later, Namjoon yelled. "I can never get these damn corset things right! How do I get this thing on, again?"

Jeongguk literally facepalmed. "Six fucking years and he still can't figure it out..." he growled under his breath and he stormed into the room. "How he managed to survive three years in a prison..."

Taehyung burst out laughing.

A few moments later there was a short knock on the door, and Taehyung moved to go open it before he was shoved to the side by Jeongguk practically flying out of the room. Namjoon followed slowly, pulling on a black T-shirt over the now-adjusted corset. Jeongguk now held something that looked like a red ball in his hand as he stood next to the door with a wicked smile on his face. Just when he was opening the door, Taehyung realized it was a water balloon.

Oh, children.

Taehyung ducked as Jimin opened the door and got pelted in the face by the balloon, water exploding on his face. Jimin shrieked, coughed, then dumped an already prepared bucket of water on Jeongguk's head.

Taehyung watched in amused fascination as the remaining boys ran into the house, each bearing water guns of their own.

"All four of you?" Namjoon shouted as he dodged a particularly good shot from Yoongi. "That ain't fair!"

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