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You woke up in a dark alleyway, the street lit but the lights struggling to remain that way.
Instead of your normal attire, you were wearing a tight fitting shirt with jeans and combat boots.
Examining yourself further, you realized you were human.
You had (S/C) skin, and (E/C) that complimented you. Your (H/C) locks went past your knees, curly and wavy. It looks like you had never cut it.
Running your hand through it, it surprisingly felt exactly like silk, yet when you just simply touched it the texture was different.

Focusing, you began walking down the alley, running your human hand on the brick wall as you walked, your boots crunching against the rubble on the ground.
You found a latter at the end, climbing it as it led to a... garden?
Turning around, the latter was no longer there, and behind you was just more plants, some trees, and bushes.

You looked forward, walking until you spotted a figure at a tree. He was sitting there with pale skin, but not sickly pale,  and white hair, you could see the black roots though.
As he turned to you, you noticed his freckles and blue eyes, which were like a prairie sky. He wore a suit, that was borderline fancy and casual.
He smiled at you, and you noticed the gap between his teeth, and you found it adorable.
"I've been waiting," he said, patting down the grass beside him.
You obliged, sitting next to him as he placed a flower crown on your head.
"My darling, (Y/N)," he said, and it clicked that this was Bendy, human like you, "Stay with me."

"Why would I ever leave, my Devil?"

"Because this is a dream, I am not real. But you don't have to wake up, just stay with me," he said.

He's not real?

"How do I wake up?"

"Stay with me," he chanted, and you scooted back as he got closer, his eyes no longer a calming blue, but now a blood red. His gap became two fangs as he continued to chant.
You let out a cry as he held you, harshly. He kissed you, holding your face still as you tried to push him away.

"Stay with me," he shouted, before sinking his fangs into your neck as you let out a harsh cry as your body went limp and the world went black.

Bendy x Reader  // THINKING OF HER. [RENAMED.]Where stories live. Discover now