I Don't Want To Feel [REQUEST.]

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There's something weighing down in your chest, and it makes you feel so tired. Sad? Sad was the word, you believe. You stayed in you and Bendy's room longer, staring at the ceiling. You don't feel like getting up, or doing anything. You don't feel like yourself.


You looked up to see Bendy with a concerned look on his face. He was concerned for you, all day you haven't got up once. Just been dozing in and out of sleep.

"Yes?" You replied back, staring blankly at him. 

"Are you okay?"


You don't know. Feeling has been too much, knowing about feeling has been way too much.

You keep crying.

You don't want to feel anymore.

"I don't know."

He sits next to you and puts his hand on your cheek, "Darling, what's wrong?"

"I don't want to know about feeling. It's too much, it was better when I was dumb about it and didn't know. That was better than knowing what I'm feeling. Because knowing is too much to handle. I don't want to know about it Bendy."

He pulls you into a hug, "It felt like that to me when Boris told me. It'll get better, it always does. Everything gets better, alright, darling?"

"Bendy, you don't know. It feels like-"

"Y/N. I know what it feels like. And I know, it's terrible. But it will pass, it always does."

"Thank you."

He smiled and kissed your cheek before going to leave the room, but you grab his arm before he does.

You look up to him with pleading eyes, "Stay?"

He gives a small smile, "Sure."

You scoot over and allow him to get into the bed with you. (NOT THAT WAY YOU SINNERS)

You slowly doze off, and you faintly remember him wrapping his arms around you and whispering some words.

You don't remember those words.

I guess you'll never know.

Bendy x Reader  // THINKING OF HER. [RENAMED.]Where stories live. Discover now